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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2014 str. 7     <-- 7 -->        PDF

Na visini od oko 3000 m, kada je temperatura zraka između 5 i 10 °C ispod nule, u oblacima nastaje snijeg koji počinje padati, a pri padanju prolazi kroz toplu zonu na visini između 800 i 2000 m, gdje se pahuljice snijega otapaju i padaju kao kiša. Prolazeći kroz zonu hladnog zraka ispod 800 m visine, one se više nikada ne mogu vratiti u pahuljice snijega, nego padaju i dalje kao kiša koja se na tlu pri dodiru s hladnim predmetima odmah ledi. To je prema meteorološkom obrazloženju tzv. prehladna kiša, jer je temperatura kapi ispod 0 °C (može biti i ispod –40 °C), ali čim dotakne tlo ledi se.
Ovakva ili slična struktura (razdioba) zračnih masa po visini koja omogućuje ledenu kišu, očito se stvorila unutar sredozemne ciklone Ilija, a utjecala je na vrijeme u Hrvatskoj u nedjelju 2. veljače 2014. god., kada je velik dio Gorskog kotara zasula ledena kiša. Pod težinom leda nastale su ogromne štete na društvenim i privatnim posjedima, i u prirodi i na infrastrukturi. Stradale su šume, voćnjaci, elektrovodovi, zaleđene su ceste, a neke su ceste zbog srušenih stabala i grana koje su se pod težinom leda nadvile nad iste, djelomično ili u potpunosti na više dana zatvorene. Oko 80 % stanovništva (14 000 kućanstava) ostalo je bez električne energije. Župan je na odnosnom području proglasio stanje elementarne nepogode. Na teren su izašle ekipe za raščišćavanje (zaposlenici i šumarska infrastruktura, vatrogasci, monteri i dr.), koje su kroz 10-ak dana učinile ono najnužnije za normalizaciju života, a nastale štete sanirat će se još mjesecima, pa i godinama. Obavlja se procjena i prijava šteta za društvene i privatne subjekte na odnosnom području.
Naravno, ovdje ćemo se ponajprije osvrnuti na štete u šumi i na šumi. Ovih su dana trgovačko društvo "Hrvatske šume" d.o.o., Nacionalni park Risnjak i Šumarski fakultet, napravili procjenu šteta na području koje im je povjereno na gospodarenje i upravljanje, a u izradi su programi sanacije. Procjene šteta su između ostalog dostavljene Primorsko-goranskoj županiji, koja će ih pribrojiti svim ostalim nastalim štetama te izraditi program sanacije, kao i zatražiti pomoć iz EU fondova. Prema procjeni trgovačkog društva "Hrvatske šume" d.o.o. šteta je nastala na 43.025 ha državnih (uključujući NP Risnjak) i 9.723 ha privatnih šuma, a oštećena je drvna masa u iznosu od 2.494.651 m3 tehničkog drva (2.183.154 m3 u državnim + 311.497 m3 u privatnim šumama) i ogrjevnog drva 1.774.426 m3 (1.256.537 + 517.889). Bez NP Risnjak na površini na 39.172 ha (29.449 + 9.723) uništeno je 1.517.544 m3 tehničkog i ogrjevnog drva (1.035.735+ 418.809) u vrijednosti od 285,185 mil. kn (214,312 + 70,813). Iskoristiva drvna masa tehničkog i ogrjevnog drva procijenjena je na 750.234 m3 (483.175 + 267.059 m3) u vrijednosti od 138,470 mil. kn (98,214 + 40,256 kn), što znači da je šteta od 146,655 mil. kn (116,097+30,558 kn). Procijenjena je i šteta na šumskim cestama u iznosu od 3,389 mil. kn, šumskim vlakama na 9,115 mil. kn, uz radove obavljene na javnim cestama u iznosu od 0,468 mil. kn. Za NP Risnjak šteta je procijenjena na 24,084 mil. kn., a za Šumarski fakultet na 0,131 mil. kn. (samo za gosp. jed. "Sungerski lug", jer u Zalesini nije bilo štete). Naravno, ovim troškovima treba pribrojiti troškove sanacije. Najviše su stradale listače. Postotak uništene od oštećene drvne mase kreće se od šumarije Rijeka 60 %, Crni Lug 48 %, Gerovo 43 %, Fužine 38 %, Tršće 34 %, Prezid 34 %, Lokve 23 %, Delnice 23 %, Mrkopalj 6 %, Skrad 2 % do šumarija Ravna Gora, Vrbovsko i Gomirje, gdje nije bilo oštećenja, ili prosječno 30 % za UŠP Delnice.
Sagledavajući činjenično stanje, razvidno je da pred svima onima koji gospodare i upravljaju odnosnim šumama stoji velik stručni izazov na sanaciji nastalih šteta, a vjerujemo da su sposobni odgovoriti na taj izazov.

ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2014 str. 8     <-- 8 -->        PDF

At an elevation of about 3000 m asl, when the air temperature drops between 5 and 10 °C below zero, the snow developed in the clouds begins to fall. Passing through the warm layer between 800 and 2000 m above sea level, the snow melts and becomes rain. In the zone of cold air below 800 m the raindrops cannot revert to snow but continue falling as rain, which immediately freezes upon impact with any cold surface it encounters. In terms of meteorology, this is supercooled rain because the raindrop temperature is below 0 °C (it can also be below – 40 °C), but it freezes the moment it touches the ground.
Such or a similar structure of air masses distributed across the elevations at which freezing rain develops, was formed within the Mediterranean Cyclone Ilija, which affected the weather in Croatia on Sunday, February 2nd, 2014, when a large part of Gorski Kotar was hit by freezing rain, causing havoc on state-owned and private holdings, in the nature and on the infrastructure. Forests, orchards and power transmission lines were heavily affected, the roads were glazed with ice, and the roads were partially or completely blocked for several days by fallen trees and ice-burdened branches leaning over the roads. About 80 % of the population (14,000 households) were left without electricity. The County Prefect proclaimed a state of natural disaster for the entire region. Rescue teams (forestry employees and forestry infrastructure, fire fighters, builders and others) that came to the area managed to restore the semblance of normal life over the next 10 days. It will take months and even years to remediate the damage incurred by the freezing rain and snow. Damage suffered by social and private subjects in the region is currently being assessed and submitted.
In this report we will primarily focus on the damage incurred on and in the forests. Some time ago, the company "Hrvatske Šume Ltd", the Risnjak National Park and the Faculty of Forestry assessed the damage in the region under their management and are currently drawing up restoration programmes. Damage assessment was submitted, among others, to the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, which will add it to the rest of the damage assessments, develop a restoration programme and apply to the EU Fund for help. According to the assessment made by the company "Hrvatske Šume Ltd", damage was incurred over 43,025 ha of state forests (including the Risnjak National Park) and 9,723 ha of private forests. The amount of damaged wood mass encompasses 2,494,651 m3 of technical wood (2,183,154 m3 in state forests + 311,497 m3 in private forests) and fuelwood 1,774,426 m3 (1,256,537 + 517,889). Excluding the Risnjak National Park which covers an area of 39,172 ha (29,449 + 9,723), as much as 1,517,544 m3 of technical wood and fuelwood (1,035,735 + 418,809) were damaged in the value of 285.185 million kn (214.312 + 70.813). The exploitable wood mass of technical wood and fuelwood was estimated at 750,234 m3 (483,175 + 267,059 m3), reaching 138.470
mil. kn (98.214 + 40.256 kn), which means that the damage rose to 146.655 mil. kn (116.097+ 30.558 kn). Damage on forest roads was assessed at 3.389 mil. kn, on forest tracks at 9.115 mil. kn, and work on public roads at 0.468 mil. kn. Damage in the National Park was assessed at 24.084 mil. kn., and the at the Faculty of Forestry facilities at 0.131 mil. kn. Naturally, cost of remediation should be added to these claims. Broadleaves were the most heavily affected. The percentage of destroyed wood mass ranges from 60 % in the forest offices of Rijeka, 48 % in Crni Lug, 43 % in Gerovo, 38 % in Fužine, 34 % in Tršće, 34 % in Prezid, 23 % in Lokve, 23 % in Delnice, 6 % in Mrkopalj, and 2% in Skrad to none in the forest offices of Ravna Gora, Vrbovsko and Gomirje. The average damage for the Delnice Forest Administration is 30 %.
In view of these facts, all those responsible for the management and care for the forests in the afflicted areas are faced with an enormous professional challenge of damage restoration. We firmly believe that they are capable of responding to this challenge.
Editorial Board