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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2016 str. 82     <-- 82 -->        PDF

Regeneration areas – Područja za podmlađivanje; have been discussed as three different groups as „the fields in which regeneration has been continuing”, „crown closer degree 1“ and „crown closer degree 2 and 3” (Table 4, 5, 6).
Pinus sylvestris stands in which crown closer degree is 1; it has been decided to make artificial regeneration since there is not sufficient amount of seed trees. Of these stands, in the areas having no erosion danger and little slope, it was decided to make clear cutting. In high sloping areas having erosion danger, it has been decided to make planting under the forest canopy.
Pinus sylvestris stands in which crown closer degree are 2 and 3; it was decided to make natural regeneration and to use shelterwood method since there is sufficient amount of seed trees.
Calculation of allowable cut (allowable cut taken from the regeneration fields) – Izračunavanje dopustivosti sječe; in these areas, generally shelterwood method, clear cutting method, planting under the forest canopy will be used. All growing stocks or the volume in the regeneration fields will be taken only in different years in twenty-year planning period. After the youth is brought healthily, the trees above will be removed with removal cutting. Within the time that passes from seed cutting to removal cutting, the remaining trees will make increment. For this reason, while calculating the allowable cut in the regeneration areas, half of the growing stock increment is added to the available growing stock. Depending on the silvicultural treatment method and cutting technique, the allowable cut amounts to be taken from these areas have been calculated as follows;