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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2018 str. 39     <-- 39 -->        PDF

height (hL) 14.0 m, and degree of slenderness (h/d1,3) 102. At the age of 32, the variability of diameter structure amounted to 29.3% , with weak positive skewness (α3 = 0.212) and platykurtic kurtosis (α4 = 2.076). The mean diameter of the collective of 311 aspirant trees per hectare at the age of 32 was 1.38·dg, while the mean height amounted to 1.08·hL. Aspirant trees had characteristically small diameter variation (kv%=10.1%)  and the degree of slenderness of 80.
At the age of 40,  there were 1,978 trees per hectare, with a basal area of 50.25 m2·ha-1 and the volume of 424.75 m3·ha-1. The trees were distributed in diameter degrees from 12.5 to 27.5 cm, with the greatest number of trees in the diameter degree of 17.5 cm (Graph 2). The quadratic mean diameter was 18.0 cm, Lorey`s mean height (hL) was 19.1 m, while the degree of slenderness amounted to 106. At the age of 40, the variability of diameter structure amounted to 25.3%, with weak right skewness (α3 = 0.116) and platykurtic kurtosis (α4 = 2.203).
At the age of 50, there were 1,067 trees per hectare, with a basal area of 52.87 m2·ha-1 and the volume of 539.72 m3·ha-1. The trees were distributed in diameter degrees from 12.5 to 37.5 cm, with the greatest number of trees in the diameter degree of 27.5 cm (Graph 3). The quadratic mean diameter was 25.1 cm, Lorey`s mean height (hL) was 24.3 m, while