broj: 9-10/2009        pdf (8,1 MB)


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Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=200909 and arb=1 order by id

Branimir Prpić
Seletković,I., N. Potočić,A. Jazbec,T. Ćosić,T. Jakovljević UDK 630* 232.2 + 232.3 (001)
The Influence of Various Growing Substrates and Slow-release Fertilizers on the Growth and Physiological Parameters of Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Seedlings in a Nursery and Following Planting in the Field     pdf     HR     EN 469
Tanušev,V., J. Ištvanić, M. Moro, J. Butković UDK 630* 333 + 83 (001)
Yield of Low Quality and Small-Sized Diameter Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Logs in Rough Dimension Stock Production     pdf     HR     EN 483
Šušnjar, M., D. Pičman,T. Pentek, D. Horvat, H. Nevečerel, K. Greger UDK 630* 383 + 432 (001)
Working Characteristics of Terrain Leveler Machine in Forest Fire Road Construction and Carst Melioration     pdf     HR     EN 493
Ballian, Dalibor UDK 630* 165 (001)
Genetic Structure of Silver Fir (Abies Alba Mill.) from Western and Eastern Bosnia     pdf     HR     EN 501
Summary: Molecular and genetic analysis of Silver Fir (Abies albaMill.) was carried out by acknowledged and verified biochemical markers. Analysed material is from 10 natural populations out of which five populations is from eastern and five from western Bosnia.
Conducted genetic analysis using 9 enzyme systems and 17 alozyme gene loci with 44 alleles showed differences between western and eastern populations of Silver Fir. Variability at some gene loci showed clinal character, although situation at the filed is such that it is very difficult to make a right conclusion. However, some popu­lations from both groups showed certain degree of similarity for certain gene loci due to hybrid zone of Silver Fir where two glacial refugia in western Bosnia are met.
Average number of alleles per loci ranged from 1,65 at Očevija to 2,17 at Oštrelj population, while average number of genotypes per loci ranged from 2,00 at Očevija to 2,88 at Glamoč population. The same ratio was in diversities (Vgem and Vp) while biggest differentiation was in Glamoč population with 0,1984.
Some analysed populations in their genetic structure contain rare alleles what is highly appreciated in later identification of same populations. Detailed analyses on those populations with bigger sample should show right condition. That identifica­tion of rare alleles would be used for identification of reproductive material, and du­ring conducting management measures.
Positive values of fixation index in analysed populations in relation to population from central Europe showed that it is necessary to manage them in a more subtle way, because in future they could lose much of their genetic potential for adaptation, although they are not distant from their original refugium in the Balkan, while situa­tion with Apennine refugium is different due to distance. However, analysed popula­tions still have enough genetic variability, as observed in Glamoč population.
Methods with biochemical markers, which are used to determine genetic structure in Silver Fir, gave good image on analysed populations as well as on entire distribu­tion of this species in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Obtained precise results enable us to recommend necessary measures for preserving genetic sources.
Obtained results will ensure good basis for control of reproductive material in Sil­ver Fir, as well as for conducting activities for its conservation using in situ and ex situ methods. Thus, activities in regards to maintaining autochthonic genetic sources should be directed to organisation of denser networks of gene banks, in situ and ex situ, which will be necessary to maintain genetic diversity of populations of Silver Fir having in mind that it is quite endangered in western Bosnia. Based on all that, we can recommend that every ecological niche of Silver Fir should have its gene bank with minimal number of necessary fertile units whose genetic structure was checked in order to successfully preserve ecological and physiological characteristics.
This research encompasses genetic structure of Silver Fir in Bosnia and Herzego­vina and genetic regional division of this species can be done. Further attention should be directed to distinction of provenances, and activities should be focused on experiments with provenances with the purpose of experimental regional division by analysing their ecological and physiological characteristics.
Bobinac, M., S.Andrašev UDK 630* 25 (001)
Effects of Silvicultural Measures in Devitalized Middle Aged Oak Stand (Quercus Robur L.) on Chernozem in Vojvodina     pdf     HR     EN 513
Farkaš,V., T. Gomerčić, M. Sindičić,V. Slijepčević, Đ. Huber,A. Frković, S. Modrić UDK 630* 156 (001)
CraniometricalAnalysis and Determination of Sexual Dimorphism in Brown Bear (Ursus arctos L.) from Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 527

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