prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 12/1949 str. 31     <-- 31 -->        PDF

raznih pretstavnika u granicama jedne te iste vrste. Ukoliko donekle raspolažemo
sa elementima prve kategorije pa ćemo ih u najskorijem vremenu
i objelodaniti kao drugi specijalni dio ove rasprave, u toliko su nam siromašna
iskustva iz područja komparativnih istraživanja u granicama vrste
ah na raznim nalazištima i arealima. Stoga ćemo taj drugi problem spojiti
sa gornjim prvim te ćemo u idućoj raspravi i ono malo što znamo, što smo
opazili u pogledu mnogih i mnogih odstupanja prouzrokovanih regionalnom
ili zonalnom raspodjelom — uklopiti u načelna razmatranja o pojedinim
vrstama kao takvim, t. j . vrstama kao nosiocima određenih nasljednih

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The Yougoslav Forestry, before the Second World War, was under the influence
of the forestry science of Middle Europe and the data of German forestry were also used
in Yougoslaviam forestry literature and practice. In such a manner, the German data of the
physiological maturity of different kinds of forest trees and of the fructification of forest
trees, were used in the Yougoslavian foreetry literature and in the Manuals for the foreistry
practice. But as it is known, the forest is ai product of different factors such of the climate,
soil etc.. and the data for Germany and for other countries of Middle Europe are not
usable in Yougoslavia. In the plan economy it is necessary to have trustworthy data about
the fructification of different forest trees for every country.

In this article, the author discusses about the principal moments of thi.s problem.
Some of these moments are described. The basis for this article are the observations by
the autlior, which are executed in the forests of Bosnian Krajina.