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ŠUMARSKI LIST 4-5/1953 str. 69     <-- 69 -->        PDF

From 2355 height measurements in 22 stands grown up on the first class site-
quality (as indicated in the working plans) only one height curve was constructed.
After having performed the anomorphosis of this height curve a non-linear d-scale
resultet having the equation 8 = 1 . q> (d) (1 = scale modulus). Supposing that all
height curves have the common eüuation h = a.d-scale on the apscissa axis, the anamorphosis of all these height curves will give
straight lines going through origin with different slopes. On the graph of this kind
every straight line representing height curve can be constructed if only one point is
known (e. g. — d. b. h. of a mean-tree and its total height). The heights for
the trees having d. b. h = 45 cm, and having the total volume (»Derbholz«)

of 1,60; 1,70; 1,80; 2,60 and 2,70 m3 were computed from SCHWAPPACH´s
volume tables (GRUNDER - SCHWAPPACH: Massentafeln zur Bestimmung des
Holzgehaltes stehender Waldbäume und Waldbestände), because of not having on
disposal local volume tables. Obtaining the folowing heights of 18,4, 19,7, 21,0,
31,4 and 31,7 meters, 12 straight lines were constructed (see graphs 1—4). On these
graphs 1—4 it can also be observed how the individual height curves agree with this
hypothesis.. By means of the heights read off from the graph and using SCHWAP-
PACH´s volume tables — 12 »tariffs« — are worked out with d. b. h. as entry and
giving volumes in cubic meters (m3) and h f in meters respectively.

For finding out the number of »tariff« a nomogram is constructed in conformity
with the principles of construction of graph No. 3 appeared in Šumarsk i
lis t No. 2/1953. The nomogram (alignement chart) represents the equation
h = a . cp (d) — or — log h =r log a + log (d) respectively. On the a - scale,
instead of amounts of »a« corresponding to a certain »tariff«, the number of this
»tariff« is written immediateli as scale-calibration. (In Croatian text the construcobtained
by means of central projection of a d - scale. This d - scale is placed
between h - scale and a - scale in this way, that from a point of the a - scale as a
centre of projection, on h - scale a adjacent scale is obtained which represents the
height-curve of corresponding «tariff« (see EMROVIĆ4).

The employement of »tariff« is folowing: in a stand the diameters of all the
trees are measured first, and than a mean tree is calculated (e. g. »Kreissflächentralstamm
« or some other mean tree). For this mean tree about 10—30 height are
to be measured in the stand, and the average is to be taken. The marks for the

d. b. o. of the mean tree and corresponding height obtaiend as above — are connected
with a straight line on the nomogram. Then it ought to be taken the tariff whole
number which is nearest to the intersection of the above straight line with the
a - scale (or tariff-number-scale respectively). The errors resulting from this approximation
amount to a maximum of 2—3% and a greater precision is not needed at
all (see LOETSCH8).
The »tarif f s« of this kind when applied to local or regional conditions would
give better results than those obtained by LAER, because of being prepared on the
basis of local heights and especially when local form-factors have been taken into


Ing. O. Piškorić

rajem 1950. godine Savezna uprava za unapređenje proizvodnje stavila
je Srednjoj šumarskoj školi za krš u Splitu u zadatak ispitivanje
odnosa kudzu-a (Dueraria hirsuta Set Z.) prema posolici. Za ovaj pokus
dana je šema pokusa, u kojoj je pored ostalog stajalo i ovo: »Zalivanje
treba vršiti prigodom sadnje i kasnije prema potrebi uvijek sa istom
količinom vode odnosno mješavine. Pokus treba izvršiti s 6 X 2 biljke,
koje će se zalivati slijedećim mješavinama obične i morske vode i to: