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ŠUMARSKI LIST 8/1954 str. 59     <-- 59 -->        PDF


1. Daniel R.: La photogrammetrie appliquee ä la topographie Paris 1952.
2. Moessner K.: The accuracy of stand-height measurements on air photos, Ohio 1950.
3. Hugershoff R.: Die Bildmessung und ihre forstlichen Anwendungen (Der deutsche
Forstwirt), Berlin 1939.
4. Schwidefsky K.: Grundriss der Photogrammetrie, Bielefeld 1950.
5. Shorp H. O.: Practical photogrammetry New York 1951.
6. Spurr S. H.: Aerial photographs in forestry New York 1948.
7. Tomašegović Z.: Osnovi fotoigrametrije i aerofototaksacije Zagreb 1950.
.8. Tomašegović Z.: O pouzdanosti aerofototaksacije za neke dendrometrijske potrebe
šumskog gospodarstva (disertacija predana za štampu u XII. knjizi Glasnika za šumske

9. Zeller M.: Traite de photogrammetrie, Zürich 1948.
10. Wodera H.: Die Holzmassenermittlung nach Luftbildern (Allg. Forst- und holzwirtschaftliche
Zeitschrift, Wien 1948).

It is necessary, in the interest of a more exact interpretation of the formula

A/j = — Apx in stereoskopic measurements of tree heights, to reduce the flying height

h and the base length b´ numerically to the same level, i. e. to the level of the station
in which the tree heights (see chapter / 7-5) are measured.

Bj> using the parallax bar (Zeiss-Aerotopo) we obtain the mean error for a sin

gle observation [i I = ± 1/—— I = ± 2,6m\ and by applying the parallax wedge
(constructed on a transparent „Astralon" sheet) we obtain \a= ± 3,4 m-
Using the parallax wedge we obtain a systematic error of —3.7, m (the first
interpreter) and of —2,1 m (the second interpreter). These errors were taken into consideration
in the computation of the above mentioned mean error for parallax wedge


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Požega, Bjelovar, Petrinja, Gospić, Fužine, Rijeka, Benkovac, i za saradnika
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u institutu (Ul. Socijalističke revolucije 15).

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Uslov: stručni ispit i solidna praksa u uzgajanju šuma. Prednost:
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