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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1954 str. 43     <-- 43 -->        PDF

55. Jovanović B. — Prethodna saopštenja o poljskim jasenima . .. Glasnik Šumarskog
fakulteta 2. Beograd 1951. Pag. 89—93.
56. Fukarek P. — Raširenje poljskog jasena (Fr. oxycarpa Willd.) u F. N. R.
Jugoslaviji. — Godišnjak Biološkog instituta u Sarajevu II. 1948. pag. 63—70.

Until a short time ago it was generally believed that our forests and shrub-
woods gave subsistence to only two Ash species i. e. Common Ash (Fraxinus excelsior
L.) and Manna Ash (Fraxinus Ornus L.). Mention was made of Common Ash
occuring in the individual habitats of our mountains and in the lowlands around
the great rivers Sava, Drava, Danube and Morava as well, and likewise in the coastal
regions along the Adriatic and in Macedonia. Concerning the Adriatic littoral and
Macedonia, earlier statements by various botanists (Hire, Rossi, Murbeck, Baldacci,
Maly, Kasanin, Bornmüller and others) wTere to the effect that no Common Ash
(Fraxinus excelsior L.) was in question, but a narrow-beaved Mediterranean species
related to it the Narrow-leaved Ash Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl; synonims: Fraxinus
oxycarpa Willd., Fraxinus oxyphylla M. Bieb.). It was not until very recently that
the author established the large lowland flooded forests of our Pannonia and even
the areas around several rivers flowing into the Sava, Drava and Morava rivers to
possess the Narrow-leaved Ash and not the Common Ash as was the belief only
a short while ago.

This paper presents a detailed description of Narrow-leaved Ash as well as its
races and varieties, with a special regard to and compared with the characteristics
of Common Ash. Besides the characteristics according to buds, leaves and fruits by
which the Narrow-leaves Ash differs from the Common Ash, a description also is given
of flowers, as well as other new data completing the botanical description of this
tree species.

The paper also deals in detail with the distribution area of Narrow-leaved Ash,
a study based on a great number of data checked in the literature and collected experimental
material. The whole distribution area of Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl is illustrated
on the enclosed geographical map.

All known localities of Narrow-leaved Ash established on the territory of Yugoslavia
were treated especially and in detail, on the basis of which was worked out
the enclosed detailed map of the distribution of the Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl species
in Yugoslavia and several adjoining regions.