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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1955 str. 28     <-- 28 -->        PDF

koja ima manji početni sadržaj vode od točke zasićenosti, dok hrastovina
jako puca na površini već kod 110° C. Drvo se suši kod temperature iznad
100° C ili pregrijanom parom ili mješavinom pregrijane pare i uzduha uz
reverzibilnu cirkulaciju. Brzina cirkulacije sredstva za sušenje iznosi 1,5
do 2,5 m/s. Smjer cirkulacije se mijenja automatski u kraćim vremenskim
intervalima, kod nekih sušionica svakih 15 minuta. Kod sušenja iznad 100° C
prirodna boja na površini drveta postaje tamnija. Promjena boje zavisi o
stupnju zasićenosti sredstva za sušenje. Ona ne smeta u nekim slučajevima,
a tamo gdje smeta može se ukloniti blanjanjem. Sušionice za sušenje kod
visoke temperature izrađuju se iz metala i to iz željeza ili aluminiuma i prenosive
su. Sušionice se griju električnom strujom, vodenom parom, toplom
vodom ili uljem. Postupak se može automatizirati, a to pojednostavljuje
sušenje. Potrošnja energije manja je kod sušenja prirodno suhog četinjavog
drveta visokom temperaturom za cea 14% nego kod sušenja vlažnim
uzduhom. Do danas nije riješeno pitanje sušenja sirovog drveta listača
kod visoke temperature, koje imaju veći početni sadržaj vode od točke
zasićenosti, a nisu pronađeni ni materijali za gradnju sušionice, koji ne
podliježu koroziji kao ni zaštitni premazi, koji bi sigurno štitili od korozije.


In summing up several investigations carried out so far on high-temperature
drying of wood, the author draws the following conclusions:

Green and air-dry wood of conifers as well as the wood of deciduous
species possessing an initial moisture content below the fibre-saturation
point (30 per cent) can be seasoned without considerable defects at temperatures
above 100° C much faster than by the orthodox method using
humid air at temperatures below 100° C.

Permissible temperatures for green coniferous wood is 132° C, for air-
dry coniferous wood up to 20 mm. thickness 125° C, 20—30 mm. thickness
120° C and 30—40 mm. thickness 115° C. Permissible temperature for air-
dry birch wood up to 45 mm. thickness is 127° C, and for teak wood up
to 50 mm. theickness 122° C.

Beech wood possessing the initial moisture content below saturation
point can be seassoned at temperatures from 100 to 130° C, while oak wood
shows considerable surface checking already at 110° C. At temperatures
over 100° C timber is dried by means of superheated steam or with mixture
of superheated steam and Mr under reversible circulation. The circulation
speed of drying agent is 1,5—2,5 m/sec. The direction of circulation changes
automatically at short intervals, and in several kilns every 15 minutes.
When drying at temperatures over 100´- C the natural colour of wood
surface becomes darker. The alteration of colour depends upon the saturation
degree of the drying medium. This is not troublesome in some cases,
but when it is, it can be removed by planing. Kilns for drying at temperatures
above 100 ° C are manufactured of metal, i e. of iron or aluminium
and are transportable. Kilns are heated by means of electricity, water
vapour, hot water or oil. The process of drying can be simplified by the
application of automatic control. The consumption of energy at high-temperature
of drying of conifers wood is by ca 14 per cent lower than the
orthodox humid air method.