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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1956 str. 35     <-- 35 -->        PDF

3. Gram, K., Larsen, M., Larsen, S. and Westergaard, M.: Contributions to the
Cytogenetics of Forest Trees, II. Alnus Studies. Royal Veterinary and Agricultural
College, Copenhagen, Yearbook 1941.
4. Gustaf sson, A.: Conifer Seed Plantations: Their Structure and Genetical
Proceedings of the III. World Forestry Congress No 3, Helsinki 1950.
. Horvat I.: Biologija drveća. Šumarski priručnik I. Zagreb, 1946.

6. Johnsson, H.: Interspecific Hybridization within the Genus Betula. Hereditas
XXXI., 1945.
7. Johnsson, H.: Experiences and Results of Ten Years´Breeding Experiments
at the Swedish Forest Tree Breeding Assotiation. Proceedings of the III. World
Forestry Congress, No 3, Helsinki 1950.
8. Johnsson, H.: Development of Triploid and Diploid Populus tremula During
the Juvenile Period. Zeitschrift f. Forstgenetik u. Forstpflanzenzüchtung, Heft 4,
9. Johnsson, L. P. V.: The Breeding of Forest Trees, Forest Geneticist, National
Research Concil, Otawa. Reprinted from The Forestry Chronicle, 1939.
. Karpinski, J.: The Problem of Races and Polyploids of Forest Trees, as
also The Problem of Stand Types as Genetical Problems in Forestry. Proceedings
of, the III. World Forestry Congress, No 3, Helsinki 1950.

11. Larsen, C. S.: Forest Tree Breeding, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural
College, Copenhagen, Yearbook 1934.
12. Larsen, C. S.: The Importance of Vegetative Propagation in Respect of
Forest Improvement Plants. Rapport Vie Section, He Congres International de
Sylviculture, Budapest 1936.
13. Larsen, C. S.: The Employment of Species, Types and Individuals in Forestry.
Royal Veterinary and Agriculture College, Copenhagen, Yearbook 1937.
14. Larsen, S. - Westergaard, M.: Contributions to the Cytogenetics of Forest
Trees, I. A Triploid Hybrid Between Larix decidua Miller and Larix occidentalis
Nutt. Journal of Genetics, Vol. XXXVI, No 3, 1938.
. Larsen, C. S.: Forest Tree Breeding and Danish Experiments. Nederl. Boschbouw-
Tijdschrift, 18e Jaargang, No 11, 1946.

16. Larsen, C. S.: Estimation of the Genotype in Forest Trees. Royal Veterinary
and Agricultural College, Copenhagen, Yearbook 1947.
17. Larsen, C. S.: Forest Genetics. Proceedings of the III. World Forestry Congress
No 1, Helsinki 1949.
18. Larsen, C. S.: The Possibilities of Improving Forest Tress. Forestry, Vol.
XXIV. No 1, 1951.
19. Larsen, C. S.: Advances in Forest Genetics. Unasylva, Vol. V. No 1, 1951.
. Larsen, C. S.: Studies of Diseases in Clones of Forest Trees. Hereditas,
XXXIX, 1953.

21. Larsen, C. S.: Provenance Testing and Forest Tree Breeding. Proceedings
of the 11th. Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organisations,
Rome 1953.
22. Lmdquist, B.: Forstgenetik in der Schwedischen Waldbaupraxis. II. izdanje,
Radebeul-Berlin, 1954.
23. Muhammad Ihsan-Ur-Rahman Khan: Forest Tree Breeding. Zeitschrift f.
Forstgenetik u. Forstpflanzenzüchtung, Heft 1, 1955.
24. Nielsen-Schaffalitzky De Muckadell: Flower Observations and Controlled
Pollinations. Zeitschrift f. Forstgenetik u. Forstpflanzenzüchtung, Heft 1, 1954.
. Richens, H. R.: Forest Tree Breeding and Genetics. Imperial Agricultural
Bureaux, Joint Publication No. 8, 1945.

26. S0egaard, B.: Leaf Blight Resistance in Thuja. Experiments on Resistance
to Attack by Didymascella Thujina (Dur.) Maire (Keithia Thujina) on Thuja plicata
Lamb. Royal Veterinary and Agricultural College, Copenhagen. Yearbook 1956.
27. Tavčar, A.: Transplantacija i vegetativni hibridi nekih poljoprivrednih
biljaka. Zagreb, 19S0.
28. Tavčar, A.: Osnove genetike. Zagreb, 1952.
29. Zlatarić, B.: Neka osnovna pitanja sjemenarske politike u šumarstvu. Šumarski
list, 1950.