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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1957 str. 32     <-- 32 -->        PDF

Potpuno su promrzle i uginule: Nerium oleander (u jesen posađene reznice),
Parkinsonia aculeata (jednogodišnje biljke, nezaštićene), Ricinus communis,
Rosmarinus officinalis (u jesen posađene reznice) i Schinus molle.

Potpuno su promrzli pojedini primjerci sljedećih vrsta: Bougainvillea spectabilis,
Brachychiton populneum, Casuariana equisetifolia, Poenix canariensis,
Prunus laurocerasus i Pyracantha coccinea (u jesen posađene reznice).

Promrzao je samo nadzemni dio kod: Accacia cyanophylla, Citrus sp., Ceratonia
siliqua, Cistus vülosus i C. salviaefolius, neki eukalipti (E. camaldulensis,

E. globulus i E. viminalis), Mimosa Thompsoni, Nerium oleander (kbd većine
grmova) i Teucrium fruticans.
Kod ostalih navedenih vrsta stradalo je samo lišće u većoj ili manjoj mjeri.
Kod alepskog bora na nižim nadmorskim visinama iglice su samo promijenile
normalno zelenu boju u blijedo sivozelenkastu, dok je na višim položajima bilo
i sušenja te otpadanja iglica.

Iako je početkom proljeća izgled dendroflore bio dosta loš, tokom ljeta i
jače oštećeni primjerci potpuno su se regenerirali, pa se može reći, da, prema
dosadnjim opažanjima, ova izvanredna zima nije nanijela dendroflori u Splitu
i njegovoj okolici znatnije štete.


D u b a c M., Južne biljke u Dubrovniku, »Priroda« br. 9. Zagreb 1956.
Horva t A. i dr., Istraživanja o regresiji i progresiji šumske vegetacije i tla na
kršu (Kozjak), Anali Instituta za eksperimentalno šumarstvo Jugoslavenske akademije
znanosti i umjetnosti Vol. I., Zagreb 1955.
Horva t I., Šumske zajednice Jugoslavije, Zagreb, 1950.
M a s e 11 i V., Osservazioni sul comportamento delle piante legnose in Liguria
al freddo eccezionale dell´inverno 1955.—56., Monti e Boschi No 9, Firenze 1956.
Piškori ć O., Prilog poznavanju mogućnosti uzgoja eukalipta kod nas, Šumarski
list br. 3—4, Zagreb 1956.
S t i p a n i č i ć V., Klima Splita (rukopis), Split 1956.
V r d o 1 j a k 2., O mogućnosti uzgoja eukalipta u našem primorju, Šumarski
list br. 5—6, Zagreb 1956.
Š o 1 i ć P., Zimske štete na ukrasnom bilju u Kvarneru, Hortikultura br. 2, Zagreb

The authors describe the effect of the 1955/56 cold winter period upon the trees
and bushes in Split and its surroundings.

In 1955´56 there was in general an extraordinary cold winter, in the Adriatic
area too, including Split and its surroundings. The singularity of that winter manifested
itself in a rather high temperature in January and in two folloving cold
periods. The first period of very low temperature took place about the end of January
and in the first half of February. The second one during the first half of
March. Despite the fact that it suddenly became cold, the monthly mean temperature
was higher than the average temperature of the preceding years (8.2° C in
January against 7.2" C). The cold period started on 26th January. Its characteristic
has not been an extremely low absolute minimum (in sheltered places it made out
—5.8° C while the result of 22 years observation showed —11.5° C absolute minimum
temperature), but a long duration. Namely, the dayly temperature of the air
in sheltered places has remained under 0° C for more than 20 days, and at 5 cm
above the ground even 24 days (graf. 1). The under 0° C air temperature lasted 3
days in March while 5 cm above the ground 8 days (from 9th—16th of March). At
the same time with the low temperature there was a cold north bora, with the