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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1957 str. 33     <-- 33 -->        PDF

(graf. 2). The days with the strongest bora velocity of 10 according to Beaufort scale
proved to be with the least relative moisture (tab. 7). That winter was very rich
in snow in February as well as in March.

The effect of that cold period was unfavourable for many of the following
species with such results: the leaves suffered in almost all cases, a certain number
of them were frozen in overground parts, and very few of them died out completely.

The following kinds died out of frost: Nerium oleander (the cuttting had been
planted in autumn), Parkinsonia aculeata (unprotected, one year old), Ricinus communis,
Rosmarinus officinalis (cuttings planted in autumn) and Schinus molle.

Some specimens of the following kinds were completly frozen: Bougainvillea
spectabilis, Brachychiton populneum, Casuarina equisetifolia, Phoenix canariensis,
Prunus laurocerasus and Pyrocantha coccinea (the cuttings planted in autumn).

Among these specimens the parts only above the ground were frozen: Acacia
cy.inopb.ylla, Citrus sp.Ceratonia siliqua, Cistus villosus, Cistus salviaefolius, Eucalyptus
camalđulensis, E. globulus, E. viminalis, Mimosa Thompsoni, Nerium oleander
and Teucrium fruticans.

Some other kinds were mentioned whose leaves had suffered more or less.
Pinus halepensis grown on lower regions changed the dark green colour of its
needles into grey-green, and some samples on higher regions were frozen, and the
needles fallen.

Although the trees and bushes looked very bad at the beginning of spring
many of them even the most damaged ones, had regenerated during the summer.
According to the latest observations we may say that the winter 1955´56 though
extremely cold did not cause severe injuries to trees and bushes in Split and its