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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-3/1959 str. 2     <-- 2 -->        PDF


Redakcioni odbor:

Dr. Roko B e n i ć, ing. Jcsip Peternel, dr. Zvonko Potočić, ing. Josip Š a f a r*

i ing. Vlado Š t e t i ć

Glavni i odgovorni uredn k:

Dr. Milan Andro´ć

Broj 1—3 JANUAR—MART 1959.

Ing. Brank o M i 1 a s : Gospodarenje pojedinim vrstama drvećaDr. Josi p Kišpatic : Pojava rđe (Cronartium asclepiadeumu Istri
Ing. Vjekoslav Glavač: O sumi poljskog jasena s kasnimFraxiheturn angustifoliae, ass. nov.)
Ing. Stanko Tomaševski: Prirast rakavih jelovih stabala
Ing. Aleksandar Böhm: Diplodia pinea (Desm.) Kackx —

Dr. Milan Androlć:
njeno značenje za

Ing. Branko M i 1 a s :
Dr. Josip Kišpatic:

u prebornoj šumi
Fries) na alepskom boru*
đrijemovcem (Leucojeto

uzročnik sušenja sadnica´

Pojava bakterioze kod zlatokraja (Nygmia phaeorrhoea Don.) r
gustoću populacije 1958. god.

The management of single tres species in the selection forest
The occurrence of blister rust (Cronartium asclepiadeum (Willd.)

Fries) on Alepo-Pine in Istria

Ing. Vjekosla v Glavač : The forest community od Narrow-leaved Ash and Summer—

Snowflake (Leucojeto-Fraxinetum angustifoliae, ass. nov.)

Ing. Stank o Tmaševski : The increment of ranker-diseased Fir stems

Ing. Aleksanda r Böhm : Diplodia pinea, Desm.) Kickx — the causal organism of the

die — back of Pine seedlings

Dr. Mila n Androić : The occurence of Bacteriosism of Brown-tail moth (Nygmia phae-

orrhoea Don.) and its importance for the population density in 1958.

Ing. Brank o M i 1 a s : L´ amenagement des differentes especes dans la 1´oret jardinee
Dr. Josi p Kišpatic : L´ apparition de la rouille vesiculeuse (Cronartium asclepiadeum
(Wild.) Fries) sur le Pin d´ Alep en Istrie
Ing. Vjekosla v Glavač : Sur 1´ association de Frene oxyphylle et de Niveole d´ete(
Leucojeto-Fraxinetum angustifoliae, ass. nov.)
Ing. Stank o Tomaševski : L´ accroissement des tiges de Sapin atteintes du chancre-
Ing. Aleksanda r Böhm : Diplodia pinea (Desm.) Kickx — I´ agent pathogene occasionriant
le deperissement des plants de Pin
Dr. Mila n Androić : L´äpparition de la bacteriose chez le Cul brun (Nygmia phaeorrhoea
Don.) et son influence sur la densite de la population de cet insect en 1958..

Ing. Brank o Milas : Die Bewirtschaftung einzelner Holzarten im Plenterwald
Dr. Josi p Kišpatic : Das Auftreten von Blasenrost (Cronartium asclepiadeum (Willd.)

Fries) auf den Aleppokiefern
Ing. Vjekosla v Glavač : Über die Waldgesellschaft der spitzblättrigen Esche und der

Sommer-Knotenblume (Leucojeto-Fraxinetum angustifoliae, ass. nov.)
Jng. Stank o Tomaševski : Zuwachs der krebsbefallenen Weisstannenstämme
Ing. Aleksanda r Böhm : Diplodia pinea (Desm.) Kickx als Ursache des Eingehens der

Dr. Mila n Androić : Vorkommen der aBkterosis beim Goldafer (Nygmia phaeorrhoea

Don.) und ihre Einsfluss auf die Populationsdichte im Jahre 1953.

Naslovna slika: Bogičevica — Foto: Kolarović