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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1961 str. 30     <-- 30 -->        PDF


Crna jo/?a -ß/oc/r 4/đer

Alnus g/t/f/noso

BrOJ gOć/OVCF SrŽf -/Yamöer of Aferrtnroexf o/rnt*?/ r/jv&s
ßro/ gocforc? ć>//ć>f/ -/yc/r>oe>r of JC/MVOOC* crsxvoe?/ rxhps(/ĆeŠC? gocSorC J/~J/ % -Ztrf rcrfe of /teor/trocx*

o/tavo/ r//?

/2 /4 /* *a 20 22 84

V/sine pres/r/ro đeć/o /Ž/7&& f/a -m

rAe 6&&6f af ffe* cross -sec/fan of stem -z&ef&rs

SI. 6 — Fig. No 6.
Broj godova srži i bijeli i učešće godova srži na presjecima debla u raznim visinama
iznad tla — Number of the annual rings of heartwood and of sapwood
and the rate of heartwood annual rings in different heights above the ground