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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1963 str. 11     <-- 11 -->        PDF


In Yugoslavia thinnings are very important and of topical interest because
of the abundance of young and middle-aged stands. Therefore this question is
given by the Yugoslav forestry a great significance the more so as the previous —
old methods — proved not to he always satifactory. It is wished for to pass from
the subjective methods over to the more abjective ones. In this connection a definite
progress was made and thinnings in recent times are expressed in a numerical
manner. Leaving out of account the well-´kncwn thinning methods in France and
Germany, the author points to the Netherlands and England, -where the intensity
of thinning is expressed by means of the spacing index, which is defined by the
quotient between the average spacing of trees and the average height of the dominant
trees (top height). This index is undoubtedly very useful for the appraisement
of thinning intensities, so that the author .reccmimends it to be introduced also
into this country. In addition to this the author refers also to his formula for the
intensity of thinning (i), which he derived in »Šumarski List«, No. 9/10, 1953, pp.

E m (1.0 pi — 1) 1/q

373—384, viz: i = .100; M = m. 1.0 pi; i = 100;
M m- 1.0 p1
1 1
i = (1 ) 100,

1.0 pi q
where the symbols used have the following meanings: M = volume of growing
stock before thinning; E = volume to be cut in thinning; p = volume growth per
cent; 1 = thinning cycle; 1/q = factor cf realization.