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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1963 str. 50     <-- 50 -->        PDF

nje korova, a osim toga izazvan je i povoljan utjecaj lužnjakova lišća na tlo.
Mlada sastojina naglo je zašla u svoj brzi razvojni elan, koji joj je pomogao
da su stabalca brzo izrasla iz pojasa opasnih mrazova i izbjegla štetama od divljači
(srne). Na pognojenoj plohi bili su uslovi rastenja daleko bolji nego na
nepognojenim plohama, gdje su stabalca zaostala u korovu i gdje će još dugo
trebati do nastupa njihova sklopa, a osim toga ona su izvrgnuta štetama od
mrazova, kao i oštećivanjima od divljači.

Pokus nas upućuje na veliku prednost gnojenja šumskih kultura na pseudoglejnom
tlu. Napose je ono od koristi ako je teren izložen mrazovima.



A smaller area in the forest Dubrava—Mokrice, near Zagreb, type Querceto
roboris-Carpinetum betuli erythronietosum, was manured with stable manure in
1943. The soil is pseudogley, with very unfavorable properties. The terrain is exposed
to frost. After the war the area was afforestated with plants and acorns of English
oak (Quercus robur). The growth was investigated on 3 experimental plots, two of
wich are unmanured, and one manured.

On the manured plot the growth of the plants is much faster than on the unmanured
ones. According to the measurements in 1960. the 5-years ©Id plants on
the manured plot increased in growth on an average 2,5 times more than the unmanured
8-ryears old plants and 3,5 times more than the 7-years old unimanured
plants. According to the situation at the end of 1962. the 7-years old plants on the
manured plod increased in growth 2,7 times more than the unmanured 10-years
old plants and 3,6 times more than the unmanured 9-years old plants (Tab 1 and
2, Graph. 1—4).

The soil analysis of available plant nutrients (Tab. 3) showed that in the layer
of roots, i. g. to the depth to 60 cm, the phosphorus and .potassium contents are
considerably increased. These elements are probably for the most part responsible
for the intensive increase of English oak plants. The increased growth was possible
also owing to the change of pH-value, ´which was considerably shifted to the neutral
side. The nitrogen content was nearly the same on the manured and unmanured
plots, what means that it was leached out. In the profile of manured plots the
physical, chemical and biological properties were ameliorated.

The increase of plant growth beacause of manuring was bigger in the earlier
years of their life. According to this a faster formation of canopy, as well as a quicker
weed choke was possible. Owing to this a favourable influence of English oak litter
on soil was performed. Therefore the young stand has quickly developed and growed
out of the belt of frost danger and escased of the game damages (does). On the
manured plots the growth conditions were far better in comparision to the unmanured
plots, were the stands remained in weed and where is still necessary a long
time for canopy formation. The unmanured cultures are exposed to frost, as well
as to game damages.

The experiment shows a great advantage of forest culture manuring on the
pseudogley soils. The fertilization is especially usefull when the terrain is exposed
to frost.

Tab. 1 and 2: The measurements of the average stem height and of the stem
number on the plots 1,2 and 3 at the end of 1960. and 1962. — Tab. 3: T{he results
of the soil analysis at the end 1962. — Graph. 1 and 3: The frequence distribution of
the stem number at the end of 1960. and 1962. — Graph. 2 and 4: The relation of
the stem number (*/») and stem height (cm) at the end of 1960. and 1962. — Plots
1 and 2 are not manured; plot 3 is manured.