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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1964 str. 15     <-- 15 -->        PDF

Šumarstvo na području našeg Jadrana ima stručnjake-biologe, ima rasadnike,
ima rezultate naučnih istraživanja, ima iskustva. Zar smijemo u takvim okolnostima
čekati, očekivati povremene pozive na suradnju .prepustiti se slučajnostima? Slučajnostima
da nam netko prepusti ili ne prepusti poslove naše struke. Problem se mora
planski rješavati. I treba ići ukorak s današnjim zbivanjima, ne čekati sutrašnjicu.
Jer, ono vječno sutra može biti i prekasno.



The propagation trials with cuttings and setts carried out for the purpose of
orientation in 1963 in the sub-Mediterannean area, where a regular soil cultivation
was applied, have shown (in the main for Black Poplar) the following results: I)
In the first year of propagation the height increment of shoots from cuttings averaged
140 cm., displaying a maximum of 2-2,5 m.; 2) A greater height increment of
shoots was yielded by larger cuttings, i.e. the longer and larger ones; 3) The height
increment of setts is smaller and even much smaller than the height increment of
shoots from cuttings; 4) The larger the setts the smaller the height increment of
their terminal shoots; 5) On the setts are formed small crowns and the small stems
lay on their increement; 6) The height increment of shoots- from the setts is much
greater till the commencement of summer than threafter; as to the shoots from the
cuttings their growth rate depends upon the clones too.

In nursery- trials where a regular soil cultivation (irrigation, loosening,
weeding, fertilizing) was not performed, there died back till June 30th 12B/o of 325
cuttings, the leaves were shedded during summer, while after a month appeared new
leaves, and at the end of the growing season there died back in total 40°,o of
cuttings. The height growth of shoots from the cutings was on an average 0,5 m.
From larger cuttings there developed longer shoots than from the ordinary ones;
the difference was to 50—100%.

On the basis of what has been said and on inventorying many habitats of
Poplars (Populus nigra, alba, canescens, and foreign varieties) the following can be

1) Afforestation with Poplars may be carried out successfully in the Mediterrenean
area on better sites especially in deeper sols. In the sub-Mediteranean
in which there is no large choice of tree species, the planting of Poplars in
mixture whit conifers can have a significant silvicultural and touristic role,
especially on better sites along the coast. Poplars grow faster than any other
broadleaved species or conifers.

2) As a preliminary culture or as an overstorey with intermixed Pines, Poplars
can offter both to forestry and tourism quicker yields than sole culture of Pines and
and other conifers. A consociation of Poplars, Pines and Ivy produces good and
broad shade, and is very decorative too .

3) For the afforestation one can use Black Poplar, while the White Poplar is
not likely to be the best. It is necessary to tets the varieties of these Poplars, as
well as the foreign Poplar species and their varieties.

4) For the establishment of Poplar plantions one coudl use on better soils
1/2- or 1/3-rooted-cuttings, on poorer soils 0/2- or 0/3- plants; on the best soils
exceptionally 2/3-plants.

5) Although we cannot yet assess the econnomicity, we consider that by
establishing recreational forests today — in the era of more enlarged camping-
tourism — we could attain great profitability ,greater than by establishing
plantations in the continental area. In this manner our Adriatic tourism could be
given a particular character different in relation to other Meditterranean countries.