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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1966 str. 42     <-- 42 -->        PDF

mar samt klassificering av skogsfrö. (Directives for the inventory of seed stands
and elite trees suitable for seed collection and classification of forest seeds.) —

National board of private forestry, Sweden, (Kungl. Skogsstyrelsen)
1950: Anvisningar angaende frötäkt och handel med skogsodlingsmaterial. (Directions
for seed collecting and trading in forest seed and plants.) — Stockholm.

Nils son, B., 1956: Kvalitets- och produktionsförhallanden i ett klonförsök av tall.
(The quallity and quantity production in a clone experiment of Scots pine.) —
Sv. Skogsv. fören. Tidskr., 54:61—74.

N i 1 s s o n, B., 1958: Om sambandet mellan moderträd och avkomma hos tall och
gran. (On the relation between mother trees and their progenies in Scots pine
and Norway spruce.) — Ibid. 56: 55—68.

N y 1 i n d e r, P., 1958 a: Synpunkter pa produktionens kvalitet. (Studies on wood
quality production.) — Skogen, 45: 100—102.
N y 1 i n d e r, P., 1958 b: Synpunkter pa produktionens kvalitet II. (Studies on wood
quality production II.) — Ibid. 45: 714—718.
N y 1 i n d e r, P., 1959: Synpunkter pa produktionens kvalitet III. (Studies on wood
quality production III.) — Ibid. 46: 54—57.
Ply m Forshell , W., 1963: Genetics in forest practise in Sweden. — Unasylva
1964, 18: 119—129.
Rasmuson , M.. 1964: Combined selection for two bristle characters in Drosophila.

— Hereditas, 51: 231—256.
Smith , H. F., 1936: A discriminant function for plant selection. — Ann. Eugen, 7:

Stern , K., 1960: Plusbäume und Samenplantagen. — Frankfurt a. M.

Stern , K., 1961: Preliminary estimates of the genetic structure of two sympatric
populations of birches as determined by random effects and natural selection.
—. Proc. Ninth Northeast. For. Tree Impr. Conf., Syracuse, 25—31.
Stern , K., 1963: Population genetics as a basis for selection. — Unasylva 1964, 18:
Stern , K., 1964: Herkunftsversuche für Zwecke der Forstpflanzenzüchtung, erläutert
am Beispiel zweier Modellversuche. — Der Züchter, 34: 181—219.
Stern, K. and Hattemer, H. H., 1964: Problems involved in some models of seleciton
in forest tree breeding. — Silvae Genetica, 13: 27—32.
Syrac h Larsen , C, 1947: Estimation of the genotype in forest trees. — Kg], Vet.
— og Landbohöjskoles Arsskr. Copenhagen.
T o d a, R., 1963: Mass selection and heritability studies in forest tree breeding. —

FAO, Proc. World Cons. For. Gen. Tree Impr., I: 2a/2 i-iv, 1—7.
Williams , W., 1964: Genetical principles and plant breeding. — Oxford.
Zobel , B., 1963: Breeding for wood properties in forest trees. — Unasylva 1964,

18: 89—103.