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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1966 str. 85     <-- 85 -->        PDF

These reserves were primarily made for the protection of Taxus baccata
and the Polish larch, Larix europaea ssp. polonica.

One of the most interesting objects for the study of larch is the »Swinia
Göra« reserve 50,8 ha (80) in the Blizyn Forest District, where it grows in a
mixed forest with 200 years old fir, oak, hornbeam, sycamore and other
species. It is the most interesting forest reserve in the Polish lowlands.

Also fine trees of the Polish larch, 35 m in height can be found in the
»Ciechostowice« reserve 6 ha (81), Forest District Skarzysko, »Trebaczew
reserve« 164.9 ha (83) Forest District Rawa Mazowiecka and in the Modrzewina
reserve 336,9 ha (84) Forest District Gröjec, with an area of 418,8 ha where
the larch trees reach 150´—200 years. Very interesting natural mixed forest
with Polish larch are protected in the »Mroczköw reserve« 12 ha (85) in the
Forest District Blizyn.

Extreme stands of the Polish larch in the northern part of the country-
are being protected in the »Bobrowisko« reserve (3,4 ha) (86) Forest District
Konstancjewo (150—200 years) and in southern Poland in the »Modrzewie w
Kluszkowcach« 10,4 ha (87) Forest Districts Dukla and in Nowy Targ near
Czorsztyn (88).

In »Majdöw« 10,5 ha (82) Taxus baccata is protected.

The forest reserves cannot guarantee the protection of economically most
valuable population of forest trees. As a result the Ministry of Forestry and
Wood Industries, together with the Institute of Forest Research, the section
of Seed studies and Selection, have placed under protection 63 stands of pine
in the older age classes, which together cover an area of 706 ha. The selected
stands represent populations of pine, characteristic for different climatic regions
of the country, which have developed as a result of natural regeneration or
from plantings made out of local provenance. Up to the middle of the last
century regeneration from introduced seed was a rarity.

When selecting stands for protection the main criteria that were considered
were their health, growth rate expressed as the volume of standing trees, a
satisfactory form of the stems and crowns, and volume increment per
unit area.

On the adjoining map, with the help of circles the total areas of pine seed
stands in each climatic forest region is presented. As can be seen most of the
seed stands were selected in the Mazursko-Podlaska climatic region (northeastern
Poland) and in the Mazowiecko-Podlaska climatic region, that is in
these parts of the country where until now the greatest number of natural
pine forest can be found.

Selection of these seed stands constitutes a great achievement in the
preservation of valuable tree populations for future silviculture. Institute of
Forest Research continues the selection of seed stands within other tree species
in order to protect them for seed production and tree breeding research.

In the stands protected within the National Parks, Reserves and seed stands,
as well as in the stands under normal exploitation plus trees are being