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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1966 str. 82     <-- 82 -->        PDF

Sekretarijat Kongresa ITJFRO 1967


Za vrijeme XIV IUFRO Kongresa ,koji će se održati 4—9. rujna 1967. g. u prostorijama
sveučilišta u Münchenu, priprema se izložba knjiga i časopisa. Priređivači
žele time da pruže učesnicima što potpuniji pregled moderne šumarske literature.

Rukovođenje je izložbom knjiga povjereno sveučilišnoj knjižari H. Frank.
Mole se sva izdavačka poduzeća, instituti i privatnici (ako u vlastitoj nakladi
izdaju šum. literaturu) da prije Kongresa pošalju jedan primjerak svoje publikacije
sveuč. knjižari Frank. Osim troška za slanje i vraćanje (obrazac za međunar. tour-
retour pošiljke) nema učesnik nikakvih drugih izdataka.
Izdavačima šumarske stručne literature omogućeno je da pomenutoj knjižari pošalju
više probnih brojeva svog časopisa, koje će ona razdijeliti interesentima na
Adresa: Universitätehuchhandlung HEINRICH FRANK, 8 München 13. Schellingstrasse

D. K.
Petteria ramentacea (Sieber) Presl. IN HERZEGOVINA


Previous investigations of Petteria ramentacea were almost exclusively limited
1o its significance as an endemic Balkan woody species, while the economic value of
this plant was scarcely mentioned.

1. On the basis of quantitative and qualitative chemical analyses it was shown
that the foliage of Petteria ramentacea with respect to its nutrient content represents
an exceptionally valuable forage for sheep raising in the area of the sub-Mediterranean
2. Inspections of the actual state in the field was a contribution to the knowledge
of the natural area of distribution of Petteria ramentacea in Herzegovina.
3. Just because of the mentioned significance of this species and its use as fuel-
wood there is danger that the area occupied by it may be reduced, although through
rational management and artificial regeneration this plant could represent an excellent
soil-improving species for the most degraded areas of the denuded and open
sub-Mediterranean Karst, because we have to deal here with a progressive form of
vegetation of these areas.
4. Taking into consideration that sheep only feed on its foliage, mainly in the
autumn-winter period, i. e. when the foliage has already accomplished its physiological
function, sheep farming does not endanger it, so that through the artificial
propagation of this species we cculd obtain a valuable forage plant, which would be
adapted to the specific conditions of the sub-Mediterranean zone of this country.
* This conclusion relates to the article by Nadaždin M. and Curie R. published
in »Sum. List«, 5. 6, 1966, under the title, »Distribution, ecology and economic significance
of Petteria ramentacea (Sieber) Presl. in Herzegovina«.