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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1966 str. 18     <-- 18 -->        PDF

recipient of ever greater revenues in the form of foreign exchange from the tourist
economy, while competent factors in Yugoslavia ascribe a special significance to this
branch of national economy. Also many technclogical processes in the Yugoslav
industry are subordinated to the development of the tourist economy. Forest enterprises
in the Yugoslav coastal region see in the development of the tourist economy
also their own development. They too have for the most part subordinated their silvicultural
techniques and systems of management to the development of the tourist
economy. The classical objectives of forest management in this area change and
assume a tourist-recreative significance.

The Forestry Faculty of Zagreb University as the highest educational and scientific
institution of the Republic for the forestry profession attributes in its plans and
programmes of studies a significant role to the tourist-recreative objectives of forest
management in the moritime area.

That is why in the last 10 years within the area of maiitime forests are organized
for the students of the 8th semester intensive practical outdoor courses with an
exacthy defined meaning and formulated objectives.

The aim of this year´s practical outdoor courses in the subject »Economics of
forest enterprises« which took place in the management unit of »Bašćanski Gaj« in
the area of the Makarska Forest Enterprise consisted in the determination of the
annual yield per one hectare obtained by means of the growing-stock increment, and
of the annual yield or the differential rent of the site obtained from the camping
tourism which was made possible through an Aleppo-Pine stand.

After determining the volume increment on experimental plots 1 and 2 (Tabs.
1—2, and Figs. 3—6), and determining the increment value per 1 ha. which amounted
to about 24,000 Dinars (old), we calculated the differential rent of the site to be
about 6,650.000 Dinars (old). Which is 277 times more than the annual yield per 1 ha.
of the Aleppo-Pine stand obtained by its volume increment. This data indicates convincingly
the way which is to be followed by Yugoslav forestry in the coastal zone
and in regions where there are possibilities for the development of tourist economy.
This data also convincingly explains why during Vm training of students at the
Faculty of Forestry, Zagreb, special significance is attributed precisely to the mentioned
area of Yugoslav forestry.