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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1969 str. 71     <-- 71 -->        PDF



The author presents his experiences so far in the application of radio engineering
in forest utiliaztion. In the introduction are briefly described the object and
significance of the application of wireless engineering in forest utilization and the
author refers to the possibilities of using this technique under circumstances in

The whole work is divided into three parts, viz.: 1. Application of radio engineeering
in the execution of working operations; 2. Application of radio engineering
when organizing communications between working units in forest utilization;

3. Application of radio engineering in work studies in forest utilization.
Chapter one deals with: felling, conversion and axtraction of wood in mountain
forests by means of radiocontrolled cableway of Norwegian construction; felling,
conversion and extraction of wood in flatland forests by means of radio-controlled
cableway of Swedish construction; loading whole trees on lorries by radio control.
When dealing with individual workers´ units there are described the characteristics
of the subject of work, the unit´s equipment, workers, working conditions, sequence
of operations of the working units and perfomances.

Chapter two deals with the organization of radio communications between
working units in forest utilization. In this connection is explained the need for
introducing radio engineering, and assessment of the optimal organization of the
radio network in the area of the forest enterprise, and its lower and lowest stationary
and mobile working units. Specifying the raio equipment which may be used
by the organization of radio communication in forestry, the author gives some
more important characteristics of this equipment, such as: range, power, wave
bands, power source, where the manufacture of the equipment takes place and
possibilities for their purchase.

In chapter three the application of radio engineering in work studies in forest
utilization is dealt with. In this connection are described pulse taking with the
worker during felling and conversion of wood by using radio equipment, as well
as the application of walkie-talkies in work studies of wood transport.

Finally, the author draws the following concluzions:

1. The application of radio engineering in forest utilization — is a novelty
and takes place in countries with highly developed and modern technologies. An
up-to-date exploitation of forests in submontane and mountain regions on rugged
and inacessible terrains develops more and more in the direction of applying
specilized machinery furnished with radio equipment.
2. The aim of the application of radio engineering in forest exploatation is: to
simplify and make the communication services more efficient; to simplify, make
easier and even replace the work of a workman in the perfomance of difficult
operations in the field; to increase the work output in the felling, conversion and
transport of wood.
3. The application of radio engineering has do far been realized in the perfomance
of working operations, in the establishment of radio communications in
the field, and in work studies in forest exploitation. In Yugoslavia a number of
forest enterprises started to apply radio communications by means of talkie-walkies
having a range up to 6 km. and morepowerful transmitter-receiver units with a
30—100 km. range.
4. Previous experiences in the application of radio engineering in forest exploitation
abroad and in this country are the best recommendation for the further
introduction of radio engineering in forestry.
5. The Yugoslav radio industry manufactures walkies-talkies with a range of
6 km., as well as special transmitter-receiver units with a range of 100 km. intended
for forestry and other branches. The remaining equipments used for the execution
of working operations in forest exploitation are not produced in this country.