prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1973 str. 25     <-- 25 -->        PDF


Podaci u referatu se baziraju skoro isključivo na vlastitim uvjerenjima


Svrha ovog referata je prikaz rasadničke proizvodnje u modernoj tehnologiji,
kakva se danas u praksi provodi, bez dubljih teoretskih razmatranja.
Prema tome je i namijenjen praksi pa se moli da ga se kao takovog i prihvati.
Ovaj referat je prilog unapređenju rasadničke proizvodnje, za koju
se ne može reći da postoji obilnija literatura.


Nursery production of conifers in the area of the Forest Enterprise Bjelovar
vith special reference to the nursery »Sljukingon«

The data in this paper are based exclusively on the author´s own conceptions
and experiences.

The purpose of the paper is to review nursery production in modern tehnology,
such as is performed in practice today, without any deeper theoretical considerations.
Hence, it has been intended for practice, and it is hoped that it will be accepted
as such. The paper shall be a contribution to the development of nursery production,
for which it cannot be stated that there would exist an exhaustive literature
covering it.