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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1973 str. 41     <-- 41 -->        PDF


IN 1969, 1970 AND 1971

Despite incomplete data from nurseries of the Dalmatian region of Croatia, we
may draw the general inference that the number of plants raised in our nurseries
in the period 1969—1971 had markedly decreased.

In 1969 there were throughout SR of Croatia 211 forest nurseries covering a total
of 615,83 ha. These nurseries held at the end of 1966 4.802.700 broadleaved and

45.142.570 coniferous plants — i. e. a total of 49.945.270 plants.
At the end of 1971 there were on the territory of the SR of Croatia 147 forest
nurseries covering a total of 403.24 ha. These nurseries held 1.912.084 broadleaved
and 22.130.810 coniferous plants — i. e. a total 24.042.894 plants.
Comparing the data of 1966 and 1971 we are aware that the area of forest
nurseries had decreased by about 34"/o, and the number of produced plants by over
50%, which is positively an unfavourable phenomenon.
Also on this occasion let us stress the Dalmatian region of Croatia, in which
circumstances had not turned for the better, because, for here today in 19 nurseries
with an area of about 11 ha — only a minimal number of plants are raised. We are
of opinion that it need not be stressed or proved that it will be necessary to produce
for this region in its own nurseries — for reforesting areas having been denuded
by goats, excess cuttings and forest fires — an as large as possible quantity
of forest tree and shrub plants, likewise an adequate number of decorative plants
for tourist purposes. In addition, around the majority of settled places along the
coast and on the mainland it is imperative to establish forest cultures that would
protect the settlements and the traffic arteries connecting them against the strong
and nasty winds that frequently harass these regions.

Having this enormous task in mind, then it is obvious that the present number
of forest nurseries in Dalmatia and their productive capacity are quite inadequate.
We hope that this will be realized by competent authorities, and that it will soon
be possible to establish and maintain a sufficient number of nurseries, in which it
should be possible to raise a sufficient number of plants needed. Thus, it would be
feasible to carry out systematically in the Dalmatian area of Croatia within as short
time interval as possible at least the urgent and essential afforestations and plantings
of forest trees.
