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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1973 str. 42     <-- 42 -->        PDF

*** 1969.: Enciklopedija leksikografskog zavoda, Jugosl. leksikografski zavod,
Glavač. V,. 1956.: Prikaz rasprave: Ehrenberg i dr.: Seed quality and the
principles of forest genetics, Šum. list 11—12, 415—416.
Gustaf sson, Ä. and S i m a k, M., 1958.: X-ray diagnostics and seed quality
in forestry, IUFRO Section No. 22, 12th Congres Oxford 1956, Separated otisak,

*** 1969.: Industrielle Radiographic, Gevaert-Agfa N. V. Antwerpen, 1—107.
*** 1970.: Industrie-Röntgenfilme, Gevaert-Agfa N. V. Antwerpen, 1—47.
Kamra , S. K., 1963 a: Studies on a suitable contrast agent for the x-ray
radiography of Norway spruce seed (Picea abies), Proc. Int. Seed Test. Ass.
28:2, 197—201.
Kamra , S. K., 1963 b: Determination of mechanical damage on Scots pine
seed with x-ray contrast method, Stud. For. Suec. 8, 1—20.
Kamra , S. K, 1971.: The x-ray contrast method for testing germinability of
Picea abies (L.) Karst, seed, Stud. For. Suec. 90, 1—28.

Kamra , S. K., 1972.: Comparative studies on germinability of Pinus silvestris
and Picea abies seed by the indigo carmine and x-ray contrast methods,
Stud. For. Suec. 99, 1—21.
Kamra , S. K. and S i m a k, M., 1965.: Physiological and Genetical Effects
on Seed of Soft X-rays Used for Radiography, Bot. Notiser 118:2, 254—264.
Klepac , D., 1963.: Rast i prirast šumskih vrsta drveća i sastojina, Znanje,
Kriebel , H. B., 1966.: Technique and interpretation in tree seed radiography,
Joint Proc, 2nd Genet. Workshop, SAF and the 7 th Lake States For. Tree
Impr. Conf., US Forest Service Res. Paper NC-6, 70—75.
Kriebel , H. B., 1970 a: Characteristics and uses of x-ray films, 3rd Forest
Radiogr. Workshop, Delaware, Ohio, separatni otisak, 1—3.

Kriebel , H. B., 1970 b: The Use of Contact Microradiography in Embryological
Studies of Pines, IUFRO Section 22, Working Group on Sexual Reprod.
of For. Trees, Varparanta, 1—3.
Kriebel , H. B., 1972.: Predavanja na kursu iz genetike i oplemenjivanja
bilja na Šumarskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, (rukopis).
Mučalo , V. i Regent , B., 1968.: Ispitivanja o mogućnostima i ispravnosti
upotrebe biokemijskih metoda (tetrazol. indigokarmin) za određivanje vitaliteta
sjemena obične jele (Abies alba Mill.) i himalajskog cedra (Cedrus deodara
Laws.), Poslovno udruženje šumsko privrednih organizacija, Zagreb.
Müller - O 1 sen, C, S i m a k, M. and G u s t a f s s o n, Ä., 1956.: Germination
analyses by the x-ray method: Picea abies (L.) Karst., Medd. Statens
Skogsforskningsinst. 46:1, 1—12.
P o 1 g e, H. et Illy, G, 1968.: Heritabilite de la densite du bois et correlations
avec la croissance etudiees ä l´aide de tests non destructifs sur plants ´tie
Pins maritimes de quatre ans, Silvae Gen. 17, 173—181.

*** 1969.: Practical manual for industrial radiography, Ferrania, Milano.
*** I960.: Prospekt br. K2 0860, Fotokemka, Zagreb .
*** 1969.: Prospekt FP R3 0769, Fotokemika, Zagreb.
Regent , B., 1972.: Šumsko sjemenarstvo, Poslovno udruženje šumsko privrednih
organizacija, Zagreb.
S i m a k, M., 1955.: Bestämning av insektskador pä granfrö medelst röntgenfotografering
(Insect damages on seeds of Norway Spruce determined by x-ray
photography, engl, prijevod), Norrl. Skogsvärdsförb. Tidskr. 3, 299—310.

Simak , M., 1957.: The x-ray contrast method for seed testing Scots Pine

Pinus silvestris, Medd. Statens Skogsforskningsinst. 47:4, 1—22.
Simak , M., 1970.: New. uses of x-ray method for the analysis of forest seed,
IUFRO Section 22, Working Group on Sexual Reprod. of For. Trees, Varparanta,