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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1973 str. 32     <-- 32 -->        PDF

Dyson, W. G. (1969): improvement of stem form and branching characteristics
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Ehrenberg , C. E. (1963): Genetics variation in progeny test of Scots pine.
Stud. For. Suec. 10.
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guter und Schlerter Zuwachstäger bei der Kiefer. Arch. Forstw. 6 (5/6): 361—420.
G a n s e 1, C. R. (1966): Inheritance of stem and branch characters in Slash pine
in relation to gum yield. Proc. Eignth South Conf. on Forest Tree Improv. Savannah,
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Goddard, R. E. and R. K. Strickhland, (1964): Crooked stem form in
loblolly pine. Silvae Gen. 13 (3): 155—157.
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K e i d i n g, H. (1970): Evaluation of seed orchards established for the production
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Harden, R. M. and D. F. Conover (1959): Diagramming technique for describing
tree stems and crowns. Jl. For. 57 (3): 672—718.
Matthews, J. D., A. F. Mitchell, and R. Howell (1960): The analysis
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Me r gen, F. (1955): Inheritance of deformities in slash p ne. Southern Lumberman,
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traits in Norway spruce. Proc. 5th. World Forestry congr., Seattle, U. S. A.,
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Miller , J. T. and I. J. Thuli n (1967): Five-year survival and height compared
for European, Japanese and hybrid Larch in New Zealand. Res. Leafl.
For. Res. Inst. N. Z. For. Serv. No 17, 4 p.
N a m k o o n g, G. (1966): Application of Nelder´s designs in tree imporvement
research. Proc. Eighth South Conf. on Forest Tree Improv., Savannah, Ga. 24—37.
N i 1 s s o n, B. (1968): Studies on the genetical variation of some quality characters
in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Dept. Forest Genet., Royal College of Forestry,
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(Pinus taeda L.) Tour. Forestry 58 (2): 943—947.
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R o h m e d e r, E. and H. Schönbach (1959): Genetik und Züchtung der Waldbäume.
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Z. f. Forstgenetik 2: 16—19.
S a k a i, K.-L, and H. Mukaid e (1967): Estimation of genetic, environmental,
and competitional variances in standing trees. Silvae Gent. 16: 149—152.
S c h o b e r, R. (1969): Stem quality assessment in Larch provenance trials and
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140 (1): 1—12.
S h e 1 b o u r n e, C. J. A. (1963): Growth rate, stem form and branching characteristics
of five provenances of Pinus khasya grown under plantation conditions
in N. Rhodesia. Commonw. For. Rev. 42 (114) 334—336.