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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-9/1974 str. 74     <-- 74 -->        PDF



(A preliminary report)

Red and roe deer cause great damage to young forest stands, especially in
our lowland forests. Up to as much as 20 years may be necessary for these young
stands to recuperate without human intervention from the woonnds inflicted
by game.

The consequences of such damage to young stands are manifold. Besides
a retardment of their growth and increment in youth — these consequences are
also reflected on the assortments of logging at the age of stand maturity, and
especially on the assortments of veneer manufacture and sawmilling. The author´s
investigations are to the effect that the teeth traces of game are able to degrade
the mentioned assortments also below their production cost, and event more, i. e.
below their cost price.

It is difficult to financially express this damage from game. Therefore were
laid out in the area of the district of Lipovljani two experimental plots with
the purpose to determine what the damage was. One of these eperimental plots
was firmly fenced, while the other was left unfenced and thus exposed to game.

The mixed stand of Pedunculate Oak on these experimental plots is 5 years
old, while the fenced plot has been only one year within the fence.

It was established by enumeration that within the finced surface (0,50 ha)
there were 16,422 small tress, and on the unfenced (also 0,50 ha) 15,837 small

Within the fenced surface 1,7% Oak, 47,1%> Ash, 2,8»/o Elm and 0,1°/« Hornbeam
small trees were damaged.
However, on the unfenced surface 9,9°/o Oak, 54,4´°/o Ash, 20% Elm and l.SVo
Hornbeam small trees were damaged.

The enfenced surface has been exposed to the harmful action of game for only
one year more, which is wisible from the data mentioned. In the present preliminary
report the fact in question is also financially expressed. The investigations
are being continued.