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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-9/1976 str. 5     <-- 5 -->        PDF


Prošlo je 130 godina kako je u Hrvatskoj osnovana stručno-društvena
šumarska organizacija te 100 godina kako neprekidno izlazi glasilo ove organizacije
Šumarski list. Organizacija je više puta promijenila ime. Osnovana
je kao Šumarska sekcija Hrvatsko-slavonskog gospodarskog društva, prerasla
je zatim u Hrvatsko-slavonsko šumarsko društvo, a iza prvog svjetskograta djeluje kao Jugoslavensko šumarsko udruženje.

Danas su inženjeri i tehničari naših struka udruženi u Savez inženjerai tehničara šumarstva i drvne industrije Hrvatske koji sa šumarskih i drvarskim
organizacijama ostalih socijalističkih republika i pokrajina čini Savez
inženjera i tehničara šumarstva i industrije za preradu drveta Jugoslavije.
Naš Savez u SR Hrvatskoj predstavlja najstarije šumarsko društvo u Jugoslaviji
i bez dvojbe je preteča svih današnjih saveza.

Prethodnik Šumarskog lista su Trudovi odseka šumarskog za Hervatsku
i Slavoniju koji predstavljaju organ tadašnjeg društva i izlaze kao godišnjak
prvi puta godine 1847.

Ovi su datumi, kako je bilo i najavljeno, proslavljeni svečanom akademijom
11. lipnja ove godine u Zagrebu. Ova tri broja Šumarskog lista
posvećena su akademiji i velikim jubilejima naših struka.

U prvom dijelu prikazani su Trudovi odseka šumarskog za Hervatsku
i Slavoniju te životopisi, Franje Šporera kojega Fran Kesterčanek naziva

— prvim hrvatskim šumarskim znanstvenikom i Vladoja Kereškenjija obnovitelja
Hrvatsko-slavonskog šumarskog društva, prvog njegovog tajnika i čovjeka
koji je pripremio za tisak prvi broj Šumarskog lista.
U drugom dijelu ovoga trobroja prikazana je proslava i manifestacije
u vezi s proslavom (priznanja dijelu zaslužnih članova našega Saveza, prigodne
izložbe u Šumarskom domu i dr.) te je dana Uvodna riječ predsjednika
Saveza inženjera i tehničara šumarstva i drvne industrije Hrvatske
ing. Stanka Tomaševskog, referat prof, dr Milana Androića pod naslovom
»Šumarsko i drvna industrija Hrvatske u prošlosti, sadašnjost i budućnosti
« i referat dr. Branimira Prpića pod naslovom: »Osnutak i rad Šumarskog
društva Hrvatske u vremenu od 1846. do 1976. i razvitak Šumarskoglista od 1877. do 1976.«

ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-9/1976 str. 6     <-- 6 -->        PDF


Not less then 130 years have past since the foundation in Croatia of a professional-
social forest organization, marking also the 100-year anniversary of the
permanent publication of its Journal Šumarski List. This organization has changed
its name during that time several times. It was established as a Forest Section
of the Croato-Slavonian Agricultural Society, growing later into the Croato-
Slavonian Forest Society, while after the First World War it has been actiong as
the Yugoslav Forest Association.

Today the engineer and technicians of our professions are united in the Union
of Engineers and Technicians of Foresty and Timber Industry of Croatia, which
jointly with the forest and timber industry organizations of other socialist republics
and provinces constitutes the Union of Engineers and Technicians of Forestry
and Wood Processing Industry of Yugoslavia. In the SR of Croatia our Union
represents the oldest forest society in Yugoslavia and its is undoubtedly the
forerunner of all the present unions.

The fererunner of Šumarski List were »Trudovi odseka šumarskog za Hervatsku
i Slavoniu« (Works of the Forest Section for Croatia and Slavonia) which
represent the Journal of the Society of the period and they were published as
annals for the first time in 1847.

These dates, as announced, were celebrated by a solemn commemoration
on the 11th of June, 1976, in Zagreb. These three numbers of gumarski List are
devoted to the commemorations and grand jubilees of our professions.

In the part I are presented the »Works of the Forest Section for Croatia
and Slavonia«, the lives of Franjo Šporer, who was called by Fran Kesterčanek

— as the first Croatia forest scientist, and of Vladoje Kereškenji, a renovator of
the Croato-Slavonian Forest Society, who was its first secretary and the man
who had prepared the first number of Šumarski List for publication.
In the part II of this double number are described the celebrations and
manifestations in connection with the jubilee (recognition of some deserving
members of our Union, special exhibitions in the Forestry House, etc.), presenting
an introductory word by the president of the Union of Engineers and Technicians
of Forestry and the Timber Industry of Croatia, Ing. Stanko Tomaševski, a report
by Prof. Dr. Milan Android entitled »Forestry and Timber Industry of Croatia in
the past, present and future«, and a report by Prof. Dr. Branimir Prpić entitled
»Foundation and work of the Forest Society of Croatia in the period of 1846—1976
and development of Šumarski List from 1877—1976«.