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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1978 str. 65     <-- 65 -->        PDF

Härt e 1, Grill , 1972: Koniferenborken als Indikatoren für Luftverunreinigungen.
Tagungsbericht der Gesellschaften, Giessen.
H o r v a t i ć, S., 1963: Biljnogeografski položaj i rasčlanjenje našeg Primorja u
svjetlu suvremenih fitocenoloških istraživanja. Acta Bot. Croat. 22, 27—81.
Horvatić , S., 1967: Fitogeografske značajke i rasčlanjenje Jugoslavije. Analitička
flora Jugoslavije I/l, Zagreb.

Horvatić , S., 1971: Osnovne vegetacijske jedinice primorskog krša i pitanje
njihove pojačane zaštite. »Simpozij o zaštiti prirode u našem kršu«, 109—144,

H ruska , K. i Šegulja , N., 1971: Novo nalazište vrste Thymus illyricus Ronn.
u Jugoslaviji. Acta Bot. Croat. 30, 127—130.

Jürgen, Jäger, H. i Steubing, L., 1970: Fraktionierte Schwefelbestimmung
in Pflanzenmaterial zur Beurteilung einer SGvEinwirkung. Angew. Botanik
XLIV, 209—221, Giessen.

Klimatski podaci SR Hrvatske 1971 (razdoblje od 1948—1960).
Köhm, Lötschert, 1972: pH — Wert und S-Gehalt der Borken als Indikator
für Luftverunreinigung im urban-industriellen Ökosystem um Frankfurt a. M.,

Tagungsbericht der Gesellschaften für Ökologie, Giessen.
Kušan , F., 1969: Biljni pokrov Biokova. Prirodosl. istr., 37.
LaisIUšić, R., 1974: Prirodni sistem populacij´ai virsta roda Bdraiantus DC.

Godišnjak biološkog instituta, Sarajevo.
M a r i n č i ć, S., 1974: Geološka karta Mosora (mscr.) Zagreb.
M e š t r o v i ć, &., 1976: Značaj šumskih kultura na smanjenje zagađenosti okoliša,

(u tisku).
P e 11 er, F., 1832: Botanischer Wegweiser in der Gegend von Spalato in Dalmatien.


The importance of the wood protection, on the Mosor mountain
for the industrial zone of Split

The configuration, geographical position, geological substratum and the
climate conditioned the development of the mediterranean type of vegetation
orn the mountain of Mosor. This vegetation is represented by climax associations
Orno-Queroetum iliois, Carpineturn Orientalis oroaticum, SesieriojOstiryetum and
their degration stages.

During the investigations ist became obvious that prohibition of goat pasture,
decreased cattle breeding, stopping of felling and changed mode of human life
have been taken effect on the progressive development of wood and other types
of vetetatiom on this area.

This is very important because of intensive economic, industrial and technological
development of Split and Soliin basins situatetd at the foot of Mosor.
In addition´ to its estatic feature the green cover also reacts as the air filter,
clarifying the cornstanitly more and more polluted air.

Nowadays, during the intensive efforts on the environment protection it
would be necessary to pay special attention to the protection of the woods and
plantations, both on the Mosor mountain and other open areas of our Karst,
particularly taking into consideration the development of the industry and
tourist traffic.

Ovaj rad je referat sa savjeto-Dr NEDELJKA ŠEGULJA,
vanja »Uloga šume i šumske ve-Dr MARIJA BEDALOV,
getacije u zaštiti čovjekove oko-Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet,
Une u odnosu na Jadransko po-Zavod za botaniku,
dručje« održanog 4—6. III 1976. Zagreb, Marulićev trg 20.
u Zadru.