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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1980 str. 69     <-- 69 -->        PDF


Erk a m o, V.: Untersuchungen über die pflanzenbiologischen und einige Folgeerscheinungen
der neuzeitlichen Klimaschwankung in Finnland. Annales Botanici
Societatis Zoologiee Botanize Fennice, Vanamo Tom 28 No 3. — Helsinki,

Institut u Geofisico Italiano: Geofisica pura e applicata, Vol. 24, Milano, 1953.
Klepac , D.: Istraživanja prirasta u hrastovim šumama, koje se suše. -— Zavod
za istraživanja u šumarstvu, Zagreb, 1974.
Klimetzek , D.: Insektenvermehrungen und Sonnenflecken, Forstwirssentschaftliches
Centralblatt Hamburg und Berlin, H. 4, 1976.
01 en in, C. M.: Radial´nyj prirast sosny v sfagnoyh sosnjakah v svjazi s vekovymi
solnecymi ciklami, Lesovodenie, Moskva, 2, 1976.
Petrić, D., Š ć u k a n e c, V., Š p o 1 j a r i ć, Z.: Anatomske i tehnološke promjene
drva hrasta u odnosu na parcijalnu i totalnu defolijaciju. — Zavod za
istrživanja u šumarstvu, Zagreb, 1974.
R u d 1 o f f, H.: Die Schwankungen und Pendelungen des Klimas, Braunschweig

— Freiburg, 1976.
Vajda , Z.: Utjecaj klimatskih činilaca na pojave sušenja hrastovih šuma. — Zavod
za istraživanj u šumarstvu, Zagreb, 1974.
Waldmeier ,
M.: The Sunspot — Activity in the Years 1610 — 1960, Zürich,


The Influence of Climatic Factors on the Growth and State of Health of our

On the experimental area in the Josip Kozarac management unit, Professor
Klepac confirmed that the growth volume of the stand of pedunculate oak during
the period 1962-67 was 50 percent less than during the period 1950-55. This
finding caused the author to investigate the role of climatic factors in this
occurrence. The results of this investigation are presented in Table 2. In Table 1,
the correlation betwen climatic elements and the ring widths of the oaks in
Žutica Forest is presented.