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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1980 str. 15     <-- 15 -->        PDF

Roisi n P.: La foret des loisirs, Gembloux 1975.

Šumarska politika u Evropskoj Zajednici, Brüssel (litografirano) 1978.

Prostorni plan SR Hrvatske godine 2000., završni izvještaj, Republički Se

kretarijat za urbanizam, građevinarstvo, stambene i komunalne poslove SR

Hrvatske, 1980.

Statistički godišnjak Hrvatske, Zagreb 1979.

Statistički godišnjak Jugoslavije, Beograd 1979.


Some Basic Propositions and Principles of Forestry Worldwide and in Yugoslavia

The research of the United Nations FAO, as pointed out by the author in his
preliminary note, has shown that timber consumption in the world steadily grows
and that the rate of timber demand is proportionate to that of the GNP growth
in a country. The annual growth rate of timber consumption stands at about 2°/o
which also applies to Yugoslavia. The share of Yugoslav forests in the total
European forest area is about 5°/o and, with approximately 1,000 million m´,
7% in European timber fund. However, with annual increment of 2,1 m3 per 1
ha, the Yugoslav forests are significantly behind the European timber productivity.

The author continues with the state of forestry in the SR Croatia where
forests occupy about 33°/o of the total area of 2 million ha. Of this, however, only
1 million ha are forests with a satisfactory output, whereas the other half shows
rather poorly with its various types of coppice forests, degraded forests and undergrowth
including a significant part of degraded karst. The annual timber output
in Croatia varies between 4 and 4,5 million m3 and, by making allowance for the
expected growth rate of timber consumption in Croatia, the timber requirements
by the year 2000 will reach about 6 million m3. On the other hand, this growth
demand is not matched by the existing rate of afforestation.

The author´s paper, read for the »Consultation on the Questions Concerning
the Growth of Forestry and Wood Industry in SR Croatia« held on June 26, 1980
in Zagreb, concludes that it is high time to make a breakthrough by replenishing
the existing practice of exploitation with an introduction of fastgrowing sorts,
which can quickly yield raw materials needed for cellulose and other products.