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ŠUMARSKI LIST 8-9/1981 str. 36     <-- 36 -->        PDF

Investigations of the Causes for Different Output Levels in Felling and Primary

Conversion of Wood

A comparison was made between two groups of forest workers felling trees
and cutting wood with motor saws, one with above average output and the second
with below average output. The investigation was undertaken in order to discover
the factors to which the differences in work performance could be ascribed,
assuming that performance depends on several relevant variable factors, such as
ability, skill and motivation. The results of this investigation have shown taht
workers with poor performance are, as a rule, young people with little experience,
psychophysically unprepared for such work and unable to develop the skill necessary
for their job.

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Nalazili se u šumama Like još jelovih stabala dimenzija kao što je bilo
stablo ovog trupca, izloženog pored hotela »Park« u Otočcu?

Foto: Zvijezdica Mikulić, 1979.