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ŠUMARSKI LIST 4-5/1982 str. 19     <-- 19 -->        PDF

Results of fifteen Years (1966—1980) Investigations and Mapping of Forests

of Slavonia and Baranja


Our vegetation investigations and mapping of the forests of Slavonia and
Baranja over the fifteen past years have covered about 150 000 hectares of forests
in the flatlands of Posavina, Podunavlje, Baranja and parts of Podravina. Fifty
research papers of forest vegetation in Slavonia and Baranja have been written and
published in twelve journals totalling 1050 printen pages, among which a monograph
on the forest vegetation of the Spačva Basin is o particular interest.

The Grafički zavod Hrvatske has issued coloured vegetation maps covering
some 60 000 hectares of forests, the scales being 1:10000, 1:25000 and 1:100000.
A part of works on the forest vegetation of Slavonia and Baranja has been
published in Norway, the USSR, Hungary, Bulgaria and Poland.
A concise survey of our research into the forests of Slavonia and Baranja allows
the following conclusions:

1. The forests of Slavonia and Baranja have played an important role in the
development of national economy and have contributed to the general progress
and wellbeing of the region over the last three centuries.
2. Man´s behaviour in relation to the woods was not been corect all times,
and the forests were mercilessly cut and damaged heedless of the generations to
3. The forests of Slavonia and Baranja have not been adequately studied and
sureveyed, which has resulted in the la lagging behind of the overall bio-production
in forestry as a branch of economy.
4. Forests are of a special importance to thes countri, and therefore forestry
should be treated on an equal footing with other raw material production branches
of industry which are of a special interest for the development of the country.
5. The demand for wood in the world and in the country is constantly incresaing
and will continue to do so, while the present rate of the development of
forestry in thes region does not satisfy the requirements of economy.