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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-8/1982 str. 17     <-- 17 -->        PDF

Va n Miegroet , M.: Kunstbeleuchtung und Gassaustausch — Mittel zur
Erforschung der Baumart, XIV IUFRO-Kongress, IV. München, 1967.
Vincent , G.: Das frühzeitige Tannensterben, seine Ursachen und Vorbeugung,
Centrablt. f.d. Forstwesen, 1971.
On the Divergence of Some Physiological Properties of Different
Provenances of Silver Fir (Abies pectinata DC) in Yugoslavia


With reference to the fact that climatic changes cause physiological abnormalities
of silver fir, in its water balance particularly, the consequence of which
is the actual rapidly dying-back of this species, 20 provenances from the territory of
Yugoslavia were investigated. The following characteristics were studied: dry bio-
mass weight, reaction of the increment on climatic changes, water capacity, transpiration
activity and resorption capacity. Considerable differences among individual
provenances and the advantage of those on eastern localities have been
established. Remarkable differences between soils with limestone (calcium carbonate)
and without it have been found, as well.

Figures show, according to provenances:

Fig. 1. Specific water capacity of 2, 3 and 4 years old fir trees

Fig. 2. Specific water capacity of needles of 2, 3 and 4 years old far trees

Provenances are arranged from left to right according to geographical longitude