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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1983 str. 109     <-- 109 -->        PDF

foreign species. The indigenous species included a Scotch Pine (Pinus Silvestris
L.), Black Pine (Pinus Nigra Arn.) and Spruce (Picea abies Karsten), and
the foreign species were European Larch (Larix decidua Mill.), Weymouth Pine
(Pinus strobus L.) and Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia var. viridis Asch, et Gr.).

This paper presents the results of the 10-year development of plants of
the aforementioned species, as follows:

— Indigenous species demonstrated the highest survival rate, in the first
place Spruce and Black Pine, followed by Scotsch Pine and Weymounth Pine, Significantly
lower survival rate was found in European Larch and Douglas Fir;
— The greatest height was reached by the European Larch (as a fast growing
species when young) and the smallest by Spruce (as a slow growing species
when young);
— The biggest DBH was reached by the Weymouth Pine and Scotch Pine at
the following locations — Surduk, Slatki potok and Lokve, while Douglas Fir,
Scotch Pine and European Larch reached the bigest DBH at Durgutovica. At allocations
Spruce has the smallest DBH.
As a matter of interest, the 5-year development of these species at the same
plot was presented in the Šumarski list 1979, No. 9—10, pages 433—443.

U »Šumarskom listu« o duglaziji pisano je:

— 1933. god. u br. 10: O zelenoj i plavoj Duglaziji s naročitim obzirom na bolest
Rhabdocline (M. Anić), i
— 1960. god., u br. 11/12: Duglazija kao vrsta ekonomskih sastojina na degradiranom
dijelu Krasa (O. Piškorić).
Osim ovih većih članaka već od 1880. godine nalazi se više bilježaka o ovoj
vrsti, a u publikaciji »Pola stoljeća šumarstva« (Zagreb 1926) o duglaziji kod nas
ima podataka u članku J. Urbasa: Eksote u gozdnem gospodarstvu Slovenije«.