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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1983 str. 13     <-- 13 -->        PDF

Physical-chemical Properties of Pulpwood of White Willow (Salaix alba L.) in
Relation to the Properties to the Pulpwood Mixture of Some Other Hard kind Soft

Broadleaved Trees.


The celluloses obtained from the unbarket and debarket white willow as well
as from the soft and harwood mixtures have been investigated and physical-
chemical properties compared.

The eximaned samples have been selected as the best examples exhibiting
very high phenotype stability and very good productivity. The are also resistant
to the flood and suitable for the growing of multiclone culture at the site of
plane forest which are unsuitable for growing of valuable kinds of woods.

Laboratory experiments were performed at the Kamyr Aktiebolag, Karlstad,
Sweden and pilot experiments at the Institute of cellulose and paper, Ljubljana,

Physical-chemical properties of cellulose indicate that the white willow can
bo used as an excellent material in the production of cellulose and paper.
Cellulose yield in the described procedure is the same, if not better, as
that using other kinds of woods.


(p) Velike površine šuima, pa i dobrih šuma, same po sebi ne predstavljaju
n´ikaik´ovo bogatstvo. Ne, nego pravo bogatstvo te šume za jedinu zemlju predstavljaju
samo cijeloisti tj. ako drvo izlazi na tržište u obliku konačnih proizvoda. Među ostalim
o tome nam pruža dokaz i Švedska, koja je odlučno krenula putem upotrebe
u njegovim konačnim proizvodima. Ovakovo puno iskorišćivainje sirovine drva
omogućeno je na osnovu rada u vlastitim državnim pokusnim zavodima kao
i u pokusnim zavodima švedske industrije celuloze. Rad u ovim zavodima omogućio
je osiguranje krme stoci u slabim godinama 1940. i 1941, kada je drvno
krmivo zamijenilo krmivo livada i polja, tim radom omogućeno je, da se velik
dio zemnog ulja zamijeni siulfitnim špiritusoim drva, ovaj rad osigurao je proizvodnju
eksplozivnih sredstava, itd.
(ŠUMARSKI LIST, 1944, str. 32.)