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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1983 str. 46     <-- 46 -->        PDF

D. Tonković
Organization of the Forestry in Slavonia from Its Initiation
to the Present Day


Slavonia is situated in the eastern part of the Socialist Republic of Croatia.
Initial forms of organized foresty in Slavonia date back to the days following
the departure of the Turks, i. e. approximately 300 years ago. Politically the area
was divided into two units: the northern part, towards the river Drava, was
the departure of the Turks, i. e. approximately 300 years ago. Politically the area
Sava river was the Military Border region, directly subjected to the Habsburg
dinasty in Vienna. The Military Border region was established as a buffer belt
towards Turkey, which had pushed up to the river Sava, i e. up to the present
Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the second half of the 19th
century Turkey ceased its expansionary policy, which resulted in the abolishment
of the Military Border region in 1871. The area was then inclueded in the contemporary
Kingdom of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia, i. e. under the rule of
the Governor and Parliament (Sabor) in Zagreb. Following the end of World
War I this area became an integral part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (lasting
until World War II). The fourth period lasted during the National Liberation War
(1941 — 45), and the fifth period is during todays Socialist Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia. This historic report on the organization of forestry in Slavonia begins
with 1737 (Feudal Law Decree of Carl VI) and 1769 (»Forestry Law« issued by
the Empress Maria Theresia) up until today.