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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1983 str. 37     <-- 37 -->        PDF

Zajednica općina Zagreb — Komitet za privredu i plan: »Informacija o stanju
u šumama društvenog vlasništva van šumsko-privrednog područja, šumama
na kojima postoji pravo vlasništva te stanja u šumama nakon elementarne
nepogode«. Zagreb, 1981.
10. Statistički podaci iz Republičkog zavoda za statistiku SR Hrvatske
Forest of the City of Zagreb and the Zaereb Reeion


In the city of Zagreb and the greater Zagreb region, the forested surface totals
183,988 hectares (Table 1). Of this total, 91,938 hectares are owned by the
public sector and 92,050 hectares are under private ownership. The average amount
of wood stock (mass, amount) in the forests on the publically owned sector is
166 m3/hectare while in the forests under private ownership it is about 92 m.8.
This show that the forests on land under private ownership are significantly less
productive than forests owned by the public sector. Therefore, the author proposes
the introduction of better management of the private forests, in the first place
the development of management plans and methods to increase growth.