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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1984 str. 20     <-- 20 -->        PDF

prostora. Nadamo se da će buduća još detaljnija kompleksna istraživanja prebornih
šuma jele i bukve u Gorskom Kotaru razjasniti još mnoga otvorena
pitanja koja stoje pred šumarima koji gospodare s tim vrlo vrijednim i za
društvo vrlo značajnih šumskih ekosistemima.

The Effect of Ecological and Structural Factors on Natural Regeneration of Selection
Forests of Fir and Beech in Gorski Kotar


The selection forests of Fir and Beech in Gorski Kotar represent an ideal form
of management forests which can met the relevant needs for wood and other forest
products.. At the same time they can represent a stable forest ecosystem, providing
Ć healthy and stable environment for man. The first and fundamental condition for
permanently .maintaining ihe selective structure of the forests is the natural regeration,
which can guarantee a permanent cover of forest vegetation, which distributed
in the selection structure also represents an ideal protection forest.

In order to investigate the effect of ecological and structural factors on the
natural regeneration in the selection forests of Fir and Beech in Gorski Kotar, the
author carried out an investigation on 204 experimeinital plots laiid out at three
different localities (Fužine, Tršće, Zalesina), on two geological substrata (silicate,
limestone), two forest vegetations (Fir forest with Hardfern — Blecho abietum Horv.
50, and the forest of Beech and Fir — Abietum-Fagetum Horv. 38) and two opposite
aspects (noirt and south). The author´s report on those investigations was published
in »Glasnik za šumske pokuse«, No 21, of the Faculty of Forestry, Zagreb
University. The summary consists of 11 pages in English, and here only conclusions
resulting from those investigations are presented, (oip)