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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1985 str. 16     <-- 16 -->        PDF

»ZAKON O ŠUMAMA« Narodne novine broj 54/1983.
broj 70/1984, str. 1550—1584.
Pančić , V., Suhina , B.: »Primjena Zakona o amortizaciji društvenih sredstava
s godišnjim predračunom amortizacije«, Računovodstvo i financije 3,
1985, Zagreb, str. 10—29.
Some Financial Consequences of the New Organization
of Forestry in the Socialist Republic of Croatia


The New Forestry Act of the Socialist Republic of Croatia has introduced in
this Republic the so-called functional organization of the main forestry activities.´
Special basic organizations of associated labour (BOALs) for the biological reproduction
of forests (silviculture and forest protection) aid special BOALs for
forest exploitation have been established. In this work the author considers the
question of prices at which BOALs for biological reproduction should sell standing
timber under such conditions, to whom will possible extra incomes (rents)
deriving from exceptionally favourable business conditions accrue, who will invest
in forest communications necessary profitable forest exploitation, and to
whom wi] the newly-built forest communications belong. The author gives to
these guestions the followiig answers:

1) The best solution is for BOALs for biological forest reproduction to sell
their standing timber according to planned (normal or objective) forest taxes
(calculated deductively, proceeding from the market prices of forest exploitation
products). In this case all »forest rents (extra incomes) together« will be left
for biological forest reproduction. These BOALs will invest necessary resources in
the construction of new permanent forest communications, they will maintain
and use them until the new exploitation of the forests involved, and they will
»own« them.

2) BOALs for the biological reproduction of forests could sell their standing
timber at so-caled inductive prices of standing timber based on »false social
values«. In such a case rents (extra incomes), both absolute and those stemming
from fertility I and II, would be left for the biological reproduction of forests,
while rents (extra incomes) stemming from locations I and II and all rents (extra
incomes) stemmieg from monopoli tistic positions would be lest for forest exploitation.
These BOALs would invest funds in the construction of new permanent
forest communications necessary for forest exploitation. After the completion :>f
the exploitation of the forests, BOALs for forest exploitation would leave them
for further maintenance and utilization to the BOALs for biological reproduction
and even transfer them into their »ownership« (against an appropriate compensation
or free of charge). However, in this way the BOALs for forest exploitation
would unjustibiably obtain rents (extra incomes) stemming from locations I, could
stray by forcing momentarily more profitable forms of »opening forests«, and
the above-mentioned inductive prices cannot, anyhow, be reliably determined (because
it is not known to what part of the worst forests they should apply).

3) In he event of the pooling of labour and resources of forestry in forestry-
woodworking-trading complexes it is first necessary from joint income to set
aside extra incomes (rents) and to assign them to the participants in association,
whereafter the remaining, rent-unrelated part of joint income would be distributed
among all participants proportionately to their »self-lanaging internal prices
of exchange« (for more details se 11).

This income distribution should be governed by economic laws, restructing
within production complexes should be carried out on the basis of specific-purpose
pooling of funds, while resport to »social measure« should only by made by consensus
for a very short period of time in order to achieve financial balance among
all participants in association in production complexes (for more information
see 12).