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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1985 str. 17     <-- 17 -->        PDF

The Inflluence of the Water Suice Đurđevac on the Repaš Forest


The author analyses the influence of the planned sluice and canals for the
hydro-electric plants Đurđevac, to be buitl on the Drava river, on the living conditions
of the Repaš forest, through which the canals will run. Due to the interconnection
of the underground water level in the Repaš forest, and the water level
of the Drava river it was concluded that the planned canals would negatively influence
the growth of the forest rees, in particular Pedunculate oak. Namely, the
canals would lower the underground water level so drastically that it would
threaten the existence of the present stands of Pedunculate oak. (Ass. Carpino betuli
— Quercetum roboris typicum and Genisto elatae — Quercetum roboris subass.
caricetosum remotae). The damage which would result from the disappearance of
the forest is not only in the value of the wood wolume, but considerably more due
to a reduction in the general usefulness of the plain forests.