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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1985 str. 25     <-- 25 -->        PDF

N e i d h a r d t, N. (1941): Računanje koordinatnih razlika u poligonim vlacima
kao i nekih drugih izraza logaritmičkim računalom, Šumarski list br. 3, str.
1—29, Zagreb.
M o s er, W. (1970); Wie genau muss eine Forstkarte sein, Allg. Forstzeitung
br. 8, str. 205—207, Wien.
Neidhardt, N. i Tomašegović, Z. (1962): Geodezija u šumarstvu, Sveučilište
u Zagrebu.
S e g e d i, N. (1980): Nanošenje busolnih poligonih vlakova pomoću računanja
relativnih koordinata, Šumarski list br. 5—6, str. 249—254, Zagreb.
The Mapping of the Magnetic Traverses in Forestry


Because of the characteristics of the object »-forest« the magnetic compass
measurements will not lose their importance in forestry in spite of the possibilities
of the forest cartography improvement using e. g. aerial photography. The
magnetic compass measurements in the terrain will probably not change important
in the future, but with hardware and software improvement the graphicah method
of the adjustment of the magnetic traverses will be abondoned in favour of the
numerical one. This made necessary to establish the formula for the allowable
error of closure for numerical adjusted magnetic traverses.

The errors in graphical adjustment are calculated by (1) and (2), in forestry
mostly by (3). Analising the accuracy achieved by own measurements (Fig. 2) it
was concluded that (4) or simplified (4a) used for traversing for topographic
survey are not sutable for numerical adjustment of magnetic traverses and is proposed
to use (5), where [d] is the total length of the traverse.