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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1986 str. 60     <-- 60 -->        PDF

Luc if ero, M.: La capra da latte. Bologna, 1973.
Mackenzie , D.: Goat Husbandry. London, 1980.
P e g 1 e r, Holmes: The book of the goat. London, Columbia, Missouri USA, 1965.
P 1 e š a — Kosinjković, N.: Uzgoj i držanje koza. Zagreb. 1908.
Porfolano , N.: La capra maltese. Bologna, 197:{.
Rako , Ante: Uzgoj mlječnih koza. Zagreb. 1949.
Wessely , J. Kras hrvatske krajine. Zagreb, 1878.
Z i a n i, Petar: Problemi uzgoja koza u Jugoslaviji. Sum. list, 1984. Zagreb.
Z i a n i, Petar: Les perspectives et les principes de la technique de l´elevage des
chevres . . . (Seminaire FAO 1964.).
Z i a n i, Petar: Principles and practice of Goat raising techniques (Seminar FAG

1964), Roma
Z i a n i, Petar: Izvještaj SIV-u o seminaru FAO o politici uzgoja koza na području
Mediterana i Bliskog istoka. Beograd, 1965.
Z i a n i, Petar: L´introduction des chevres etrangeres en Tunisie. FAO. Tunis,

Z i a n i, Petar: L´amenagement des parcours. FAO, Rabat, 1974.
Semin a i r e FAO sur la chevre Rapport. FAO 1971. Rome.

BILJEŠKA O PISCU. Autor ovog članka, ing. Petar Ziani, bio je višegodišnji
ekspert FAO-a u Sjevernoj Africi za oblast ekstenzivnih pašnjaka. U tuninskom
Institutu bio je šef Sekcije za pašnjake, na Visokoj šumarskoj školi u Rabatu
predavao je uređenje pašnjaka, te napisao udžbenik — priručnik »Uređenje
pašnjaka«, objavljen u Rabatu 1974. god. (v. popis literature uz ovaj članak).

New Aspects of the Problem of Breeding: Range Goats

S u m in a r y

The author of the paper was for many years an FAO expert in North Africa
in the field of extensive grazing pastures. In this paper the reports the conditions
under which the breding of range goats can take place, i. e. goats which feed
almost exlusively on browsing. The breeding of range goats in the vilage of Zegare
in Dalmatia (Yugoslavia) and in the forests of Arganija (Maroco) is described.
The author concludeds that range goats can be bred in certain regions and in
special conditions, which was also conclued by the International Seminar on the
Policy of Goat Breeding in the area of the Mediterranean and Near East, held in
Yugoslavia. Grece and Turkey in 1964.