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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1986 str. 27     <-- 27 -->        PDF

Maksimović , D.: »Inženjeri i istraživači i razvojni rad«, Konferencija saveza
inženjera i tehničara Jugoslavije, referati, Sarajevo, b. g., str. 8
Š o 1 a j a, V.: »Korišćenje inženjersko-tehničkih i drugih kreativnih kadrova
kao bitan faktor koncepcije razvoja šumarstva i prerade drveta u BiH«, Konferencija
saveza inženjera i tehničara Jugoslavije, referati, Sarajevo, b. g. str. 12

V i d a k o v i ć, M.: »Uloga znanosti u visokom obrazovanju i razvitku materijalne
proizvodnje«, referat na savjetovanju povodom 125. godina šumarske
nastave u SRH, Zagreb, 1985., str. 14
Županov , J.: »Inventivni rad i socioprofesionalni položaj tehničkog kadra
u industriji«. Problemi i perspektive interdisciplinarnog rada i obrazovanja,
Zagreb, 1977., str. 121—132
Županov , J.: »Egalitarizam i induslrijalizam«, Psihologija i sociologija organizacije,
Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1982.
Further Professional Improvement and Inventive Work of Highly Qualified Forestry
Personnel in Croatia

S u rn m a r y

The Department for Marxism and Self-management of the Forestry Faculty,
University of Zagreb, in co-operation with the Department for the Development of
the enterprise Slavonska Suma in Vinkovci, organised an investigatio into the utilization
of highly qualified forestry personnel in Croatia: to what extent they are
engaged in further reducation or inventive work, and in this connection what professional
literature they read and how many original papers they published. This
work summarises the results of these investigations, on the basis of which the
author concludes hat better conditions or further education and professional improvement
are needed, together with more adequate stimulation of creative work.