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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1987 str. 17     <-- 17 -->        PDF

output to other sectors comprising oak is 0.24% of the total GNP; lack of oakwood
would cause the diminuation of the GNP of 1.4"/o. Thus, the existence of the oak-
wood has a multiplying effect on the overall national economy of 5.83; i.e. one
unit of oak inputs brought into the system produces 5.83 units of the GNP.

The lack of oakwood would produce, ceters paribus, the diminuation of exports
of 1.91«/o, and imports of 2.37%.

Comparing some other raw materials, oakwood has the highest multiplier of
the GNP, higher than iron ore, baixite, etc. produced under actual conditions in
the country).