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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1987 str. 57     <-- 57 -->        PDF

Evert, F., 197.1.: Scaping Studies: A Review, Inf or. Rep. For. Mgmt. Inst.,
Ottawa, No FMR-X-37, For. Abst. 1972.
Jack , w . H., 1971.: The Influence of Tree Spacing on Sitka Spruce Growth,
Irish Forestry, 28 U).
J er gens en, S. J., 1967.: The Influence of Spacing on the Growth and Development
of Conifers Plantations, International Review of Foresty Research,
Vol. II, Academik Press, New York.
Hamilton, G. J., Christie, J. M„ 1974: Influence of Spacing on Crop
Characteristics and Yield, Forestry Commission, Bulletin 52, London.
Kjersgard , O., 1964.: Et Planteafstandsforsog i Rodgrad, An Experiment
in Spasing if Norway Spruce, Sert. af Det Forst. Forsogvasen in Danmark
Ber. Nr. 224, db. XXIX.
Kramer , 1967.: Zur Frage des Pflanzverfandes in Nedelholzbestnden, Allg.
Forst Zeit., No 41.
Low, A. J., van Tog, G., 1974.: Initial Spacing in Relation to Stand Establishment,
IUFRO Simposium on Stand Establishment. Wagenigen, Netherland.
Orlić , S., 1973.: Komparativna istraživanja o najpovljnijim razmacima sadnje
običnog bora (P. sylvestris) i američkog borovca (P. Strobus) u intenzivnim
kulturama. Šumarski list 11—12.
Su tov, et all, 1984.: Lesnije plantaciji, Uskorenoe virašćivanie eli i sosni,

Vyskot , M., 1974.: Tree Spacing and Development of Norway Spruce Stands,
Lesnictvi 20 (XLVII).
Wa r die, P. A., 1967.: Spacing in Plantations, Forestry 40.
The Influence of the Spacing of Planting of Norway Spruce (Picea abiest Karst)
on its Growth in the Plešivičko Prigorje Area (Piadmont Region)


Investigation was carried out in the tests of various spaced plantings of Norway
Spruce in the Plešivičko Prigorje area. This experiment was laid out in the
autumn of ,1963. The investigation programme included all four spacing variances:
A 1,0 x 1.0 m; B 1.5 x 1.5 m; C 2.0 x 2.0 m; D 4.0 x 2.0 m. A randomized
block system was applied with 4 replications.

The experiment was laid out with 2 + 2 year old transplants, seed stand provenance
»Zagori« near Ogulin.

Measurements were carried out in the seventeenth and twenty fifth year of
the total age of trees, i.e. in 1976 and 1984.

For data processing usual scientific statistical methods were applied: variance
analysis, zero hypothesis was tested with the F test, Duncan´s test was utilised for
testing individual differences between varances. Regression and correlation analyses
were used for determining the degree of connection between the spacing of
planting, i.e. the number of trees per hectare and the studied structural dements.

By studing for several years the development of trees on the spaaing of
Norway Spruce and processing of the studieg structural elements a number of
characteristics phenomena were determined with regard to: mortality, mean height,
DBH, basal area, dying of branches, decline in diameter, stam slandemess, crown
development, etc.