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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1987 str. 68     <-- 68 -->        PDF

general isocial importance acordingly defined by the Croatian Constitution. Self-
management Communities of Interest for Forestry in Croatia collect and process
necessary data on forests in private ownership with the purpose of planning certain
policies and programmes in order to guarantee more rationalised forest management
in such forests. In Part I the author presents the legal regulations pertaining
the rights and obligations of forest owners, socio-political communities
and other parties which participate in the formation of favourable conditions for
the application of legal norms. In Part II the author deals with forest managements
and dndicates possible solutions. Together with the solutions, proposed
in the corresponding reports presented also at the Meeting held during the 92
Assembly of the Association, they represent a starting point for the elaboration
of tasks to be included in the further activities of the Association and Societies
of Engineers and Technicians of the Forestry and Timber Industry in Croatia, including
and all other participants in the task involved.