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ŠUMARSKI LIST 10-12/1987 str. 63     <-- 63 -->        PDF

Lines , R., 1968: Norway spruce. Rep. on Forest Res., Forestry Comon. London
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Lines , R., 1974: Summary Report on the IUFRO 1938 Provenance Experiments
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Pap. 99, London.
Lines , R., 1979: Results of the IUFRO 1964/68 experiments with Picea abies
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parties on Norway Spruce provenances and Norway Spruce Breeding,
Bucharest, 1979.
N i t u, C, 1979: Provenance Research of Norway Spruce (Picea abies in Romania. Proceedings of the IUFRO Joint Meeting of Working parties
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Rudolf, P. O. and S1 a b a u g h, P. E., 1958: Growth and. Development
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USDA Forest Serv., Tech. Notes Lake State Forest Exp. Stat. 537.
Snedecor, G. W. I., Cochran, W. G., 1969: Statistical methods, Six
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Szönyi , L. and U j vari , F., 1975: First results of the international (IUFRO)
Norway spruce provenance experiment, Erdeszeti Kutatasok 71 (2), 139—147.
Vincent , F. and F1 e k, J., 1953: Pokusne plochy proveniencni se smrkem.
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Vincent , G., 1960: Proveniencni pokusy a časne testy vzrosty. Lesnictvi
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Vinš, B., 1963: Report on the state and preliminary evelution of Czekoslovak
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Vinš , B., 1967: A contribution the Norway spruce provenance research. Proc.
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Vinš, B., 1968: Mezinarodni Proveniencni Pokus se smrkem IUFRO-Serie
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Vinš , B., 1976: Mezinarodni proveniencni pokus sa smrkem IUFRO-serie
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Vinš, B. and V in cura, K., 1977: Provenance trial with spruce (Picea
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Weisgerber , H., 1979: Norway spruce provenance experiments in Central
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on Norway spruce provenances and Norway spruce Breeding. Bucharest 1979.
Variability of norway spruce provenance (Picea abies L. Karst) in a part
of natur range


Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) provenance test in Croatia has been

established in Institute´s nursery in 1974, out of 43 different provenances from