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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1988 str. 25     <-- 25 -->        PDF

12) Spi ranec, M.: »Tablice drvnih masa jele i smreke«, izdanje Šumarskog instituta
Jastrebarsko, Zagreb 1976.
13) Sp i ranec , M.: »Drvnogromadne tablice«, RADOVI 22, izdanje Šumarskog
instituta Jastrebarsko, Zagreb 1975.
14) Tomanić, S., Hitrec, V., Vondra, V.: »Sistem određivanja radnog vremena
sječe i izrade drva«, Zagreb 1978, str. 1—443.

15) Vondra , V.: »Izrada li primjena matematičkih modela za sastavljanje godišnjih
planova sječa i procjenu radnog vremena te normativa goriva i maziva
za sječu i izradu drva — uz primjenu elektroničkog računala«, magistarski
rad u rukopisu, Zagreb 1986.

16) Društv o inženjera i tehničara SR Hrvatske, Sekcija šumarstva i drvne industrije:
»Mali šurnarsko-tehnički priručnik«, Zagreb 1949, str. 1—206, vidi str. 136,
157, 158, 159.

How to Enable a Cheaper and more objective Evaluation of the Wood
Stock Assortments in a Forestry Organization of Associated Labour —
for the Purpose of Appraisal of Performance in Silvi-Biological Reproduction
of Wood?


The authors give a succinct description of the stands in trial areas, referring
to the original data from the relevant literature. After that, they make
a detailed description of the methods used to assess assortments in the trial
areas, giving short characteristics of assessors A, B and C — forest workers
with long-standing practice, and of X — a third-year forest student without
any practice. In a separate part they discribe methods for calculating the
quantity and value of standing timber for two assessments of samples assessed
on the spot by assessors A, B, C and X for pedunculated oak, fir and Aleppo

In the part dealing with the results of the assessments and containing the
necessary comments, the authors present the final results of the calculation of
values according to the assessments made by the above assessors and the calculated
objective values on the basis of assortments obtained by assortment equations
(V. Vondra , see references under 51) derived from the data flile based
on the direct measurements of assortments of felled penduculated oak trees,
carried out on the basis of assortment tables for fir trees and on the basis of
average assortments determined for a half of the same trial areas in 1965 (this
is only a roughly orientational basis for comparison) for Aleppo pine. From these
results and comments it can be seen that:

— Visual assessments of assortments of unfelled stock give data heavily
slanted by the assessors´ subjectivity (in the examples given in this work they
deviate, according to more objective calculated data, in the level of indices about
from 69 to 139).
— Comparability of periodical inventory taking is much more objective when
inventory is taken on the same stands by the same assessors (in the examples
given in this work deviations from their arithmetic mean ranged about from 1
to 12 per cent). However, even such inventory taking is not sufficiently objective
for appraising performance and determining the value of standing timber in the
biological reproduction of wood.