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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1988 str. 44     <-- 44 -->        PDF

The beech stands belong to bioindication net (16 x 16 km) established in
1987. within forest damage sruvey on the territory of Croatia. Spruce plantations
are mainly located within and in a wider area which is defined by the investigated
bioindication plots of beech stands.

On the basis of the results it can be concluded that beech stands and spruce
plantations on north-western Croatia are influenced by imissions of air pollutants.

Beech stand on Velebit montain is to greatest extent subjected to heavy metals
input. In this stand a very significant defoliation is registered, while in other
four beech stands the present conditions of aiir pollution is not reflected in visual

Among the investigated spruce plantations only two had normal, natural
sulphur content in needles. In seven plantations sulphur concentrations were somewhat
higher, when the negative S02 influence is not yet expected. The last
three plantations had S-cocentrations up to the point where harmful S02 influence
can be expected.

The efficient growth of spruce plantations is highly influenced by nitrogen
and phosphorus nutrition. Nutrition by other nutrients is very favourable. Very
high iron concentration and little of manganese were determined in spruce needls
in immediate vicinty of Sisak Ironworks.